Resource documents can be viewed by using Adobe Reader. Videos can be viewed with Windows Media player on Windows-based computers.
Socio-Ecological First vs. Socio-Economic First
Developing a Socio-Ecological Resilience Indicator
Electrical Ignitions, Wildfire Risk and Community Climate Adaptation in Northern California
Example Marking Guide (WKRP Demo Project)
Assessment of Scott River Salmon Performance Under Historical, Current and Restoration Scenarios
McBain Associates Lake Shastina Bypass Feasibility Report
Groundwater Conditions in Scott Valley, California
Removal of Dinwell Dam and Alternatives Draft Concepts Report
2014 Western Klamath Restoration Partnership Plan (4 MB)
Nation District Rangers Conference Partnerships and Opportunities Presentation (01/27/16, 36 MB)
Restoring Fire to the Landscape Presentation (06/26/14, 30MB)
Western Klamath Restoration Partnership Presentation (17 MB)
Karuk Cultural & Ecosystem Restoration Program 1999 (28 MB)
Steinacher Project Update 2000 (22 MB)
Tribes in Scotland (21 MB)
Uknii-Karuk Fishing Rights (32 MB)
Environmental Education Program 2012 Slideshow (74 MB)