
Notice of Special Run-Off Election

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the Karuk Tribe will conduct a Special Run-Off Election for the two tied candidates for the Vice-Chairperson position.

Polling places will be open from 7 AM to 7 PM at the following locations:

  • Happy Camp: Headway Building (Senior Nutrition), 64101 Second Avenue;
  • Yreka: Kahtishraam Wellness Center, 1403 Kahtishraam; and
  • Orleans: DNR Community Room, 39051 Highway 96.

TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: you must be an enrolled member of the Karuk Tribe, who is eighteen years of age or older, and has registered with the Karuk Voter’s Registration Office (you may register to vote before the election or at the polling place on Election Day, you must bring a valid form of ID to register at the poll place).


Vice-Chairperson (Paid Position)

TERM: November 2022 - November 2026

Candidates for this position are Robert Super (Incumbent) and Kenneth Brink. Candidate statements are available online at our website at

ABSENTEE BALLOTS will be mailed out at the end of November. Please submit your Absentee Request Form to the mailing address below to receive an absentee ballot. The last day to request an absentee ballot is Tuesday, December 27, 2022 by 5pm. If you are already an absentee voter, please make sure your address is up to date with the Enrollment Office to ensure you receive an absentee ballot.

It is highly recommended that absentee ballot requests be received by the Voters Registration Office before the above due dates for those members who live outside the Aboriginal Territory due to the amount of time it takes for the mail to reach Happy Camp. Contact the Election Committee at (530) 493-1600 ext. 2031 or visit to obtain required form(s).

Send Absentee Ballot Requests to:

Karuk Voters Registration Office
PO Box 815
Happy Camp, CA 96039

For more information, we encourage you to call the Voter’s Registration Office at: (530) 493-1600 ext. 2031

Please feel free to email the Karuk Election Committee at


                                                                                                                                  Candidate Statements

                                                                                             (Click the candidate name to download statement)

                                                                                                         Robert Super (Incumbent)

                                                                                                                  Kenneth Brink


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