Karuk Tribe – Health Board Meeting

May 13, 2010 – Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 3 pm by Arch Super, Chairman


Arch Super, Chairman

Phil Albers Jr., Vice-Chairman

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Charron “Sonny” Davis, Member

Alvis “Bud” Johnson, Member

Florence Conrad, Member (late 3:14pm)

Wilverna “Verna” Reece, Member

Dora Bernal, Member



Florrine Super, Council Secretary (absent / excused)


Quorum is established.


The Mission Statement was read aloud by Mike Edwards, Director of Family & Children Services.



Sonny Davis motioned and Leeon seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Minute of April 8, 2010:

Sonny motioned and Leeon seconded to approve the minutes of April 8, 2010, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



1.) Colleen Thornton, Two Feathers Native American Family Services: Video showing!

Tanya Busby introduced herself from the Office of Violence against Women Program and then introduced Colleen, noting that she is from Two Feathers Native American Family Services. This evening they wanted to show a video on Native American history. 


At the end of the video, April noted that she is attempting to complete some education on the program incorporating this very unique video that will provide much needed education on the health and wellbeing of Native Americans in accordance with a key component, their history. The Humboldt County DA and the Social Services departments from within county resources want to begin using it s a training module. April would like to seek the Tribal Council’s approval on the video and support the viewing in the health fields including ICW, Domestic Abuse, and all aspects of Behavioral Health.

Pam noted that there are a lot of videos out there in the public that attempt to explain the trauma on Native Americans and their health but she feels that this video is specific to the Karuk community as it covers several programs and times throughout history, locally. Also, it includes time frames and the community begins to understand that boarding schools and the trauma that took place weren’t so long ago. April noted that she will include in the video and pamphlet which will include some tools from the Karuk Tribe. Florence believes that this is a good starting point and she knows that the Karuk Tribe is producing other things as well.


Florence motioned and Verna seconded to support the Behavior Health Program using the video and related materials to provide training and education on the history of Native Americans, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence apologized to the Council and the audience for being late but she had a personal matter that had to be taken into consideration.


Director Reports:

1.) Eric Cutright, IT Director
Eric is present to review his written report with the Board. He listed an action item that he was going to seek approval for but it is not complete for presentation at this time.


Eric went on to explain another problem with the Orleans phone system but that it has been fixed.


Another major project that is underway is the removal of the IT program from IHS T-1 lines to AT&T which only took nine months. The fastest connections are working well together and this has allowed the Orleans computer center faster access and the Orleans clinic to go live with Tele-medicine. Eric explained tele-medicine and how that will work from the Orleans site to outside providers; noting that providing services will now allow the patients to have better access to care. Dr. Burns then explained the difficulty in finding a psychiatrist and how the patients can now access that type of services without leaving the local facility.


Mike Edwards commented that tele-medicine saves funding in the travel line items on travel costs and provides a lot of services to patients. Suzanna Hardenburger then noted that she receives funding from the billing aspect for patients being seen onsite rather than being referred out to another facility and those facilities generating the billing and payments. 


At a recent planning meeting the Tribal Council approved a broadband support letter, and Eric provided another similar letter with his Health Board report that he is hoping will be reviewed by the Council. Also, the three applications that the Tribe supported made it on California’s list, which is a good thing, for possible funding that will allow the Tribe to obtain access to better services.


Verna asked when the Data Center will begin to start having work on it again. Eric noted that the construction will start taking place again soon, pending the change order approval, but he is thinking that it will most likely be Monday.


Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Eric’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara 0 pupitihara.


2.) Mike Edwards, Director of Children & Family Services:

Mike is present to review his written report with the Health Board. He began by noting that he is still working on how to implement the Title IVE case and he has found that the State doesn’t think that the Karuk Tribe will have to take the case on, as he reported previously.


He and his department continue to work on the department’s patient satisfaction survey to complete and identify fixes to patient no shows and cancellations.


He is continues to meet with the TANF program on services that both programs provide.


Lisa Sartuche and Kristen Aubrey have been hired to fill vacancies within the Health Program. Both are welcomed additions to the Tribe.


The ICW Committee met on April 22, 2010. April Attebury and Stephanie Dolan will provide a new procedures manual for review once it is complete. Both of them questioned why more cases aren’t transferred to the Tribal Court and he is hoping to receive some training on Title IVE so that they are prepared to take on clients and bill for them.


There are training reports from staff that have attended out of the area training attached to Mike’s report. He attended the supervisors training offered by the Tribe and noted that it was informational and fun to attend.


He has intervened on two more ICW cases, bringing that total to 60 cases being handled by himself and Kimberlee Dodge.


Sonny asked how come there is no CHR that do home visits to take the blood pressures for the Elders in Yreka.


Phil asked why there aren’t cases transferred into the Tribal Court. Laura Mayton noted that this is due to money because there is a share of cost. He explained that another part of it is that there is a procedure problem with it, clearly taking over a year to work on. Since the Tribe’s venture to begin Title IVE implementation with States there is now an avenue to sharing directly with the Federal Government and he noted that that is an option that he would now like to move in. Laura Mayton explained the share of cost and how that is done, further explaining, that the share of cost per case is shared by the Tribe, Sate and Federal Government and if the Tribe moves to the Federal Government then this will eliminate the State’s share of cost and the Tribe will have to be prepared to cover a 50% share of the cost with the Federal Government. She does not recommend this since there is no funding to pay for it. Mike noted that he is still trying to get it going but this is the first time any Tribe has done this, which leaves him little training on how to operate it and the State and Federal Government unable to clearly understand how Tribes and government officials are to work together. He is hoping to find more information when he attends a meeting in June or July.


Verna Reece motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Mike’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3.) Vickie Walden, Dental Office Manager:

No report provided, not present.


4.) Lessie Aubrey, EDHHS:

Lessie is present to provide her written report with the Board. Lessie provided information on her provider productivity report that is required by HRSA with a rate of 5% increase each year through 2012. It appears that the providers are going to reach their goals if they keep it up.

Lessie then presented an updated report to the Board. The recruitment for a physician in Yreka is not going so smooth. She has been in touch with some Locum Tenens to cover the facility. Amy Coapman has graciously offered to cover the patient care duties on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Dr. North will come in and Dr. Hanst, former provider for the Yreka clinic, may cover on Monday’s depending on how the recruitment moves along. Lessie has provided the Locum Tenens contracts to Laura to review to ensure coverage and jurisdiction of which states the physicians are in was reviewed. Lessie would like to have a years worth of agreements to ensure there is coverage in the event there is a loss of a provider again, and this will ensure services for the Yreka clinic. Laura explained that she has had the contracts for two months and has yet to sign off on them as she recommends that Lessie seek funding from IHS first. The amount of money attached to having the agreements is pretty large and if there is a physician hired, she doesn’t want to be locked into an agreement. Dr. Burns would like to have at minimum a two year commitment if a provider is brought on at the Yreka clinic; this is something that he is focusing on during recruitment. Lessie has coverage for the facility right now but she has brought copies of the agreements for the Council to review so that a determination can be made. Lessie would like to pick three options and it isn’t prepared for approval now however she would like to know if this is a direction in which the Council would like her to spend her time and energy in pursuing.


The Veterans Affairs is arriving at the Yreka Clinic to attempt an agreement between them and the facility.


Lessie attended the public meeting on the KS Wild National Monument with locally and Lessie noted that after the VA meeting the Council may want to attend a Board of Supervisors meeting in which the KS Wild folks will be attending as well.


The Self-Governance Conference was informational and the main thing she got out of it was that they are going to phase in some health care reform and the year for full reform is 2014. There was funding received that was from data that Amy submits from the RPMS system.


4. a) Dr. Burns:

Dr. Burns provided an agreement with the Contra Costra County in Humboldt County for services for the Orleans facility. For Siskiyou County residents they share an agreement with FMC for toll free services to patients, for after hours care or on call nurse advice. For Humboldt County, covering the Orleans patients, a toll free number will be issued under agreement with Contra Costra County and it will cost $380 a month and $23 per call after the allowed calls have been met for the month. The information on calls received is reported back to the Tribe quarterly. He is seeking approval and he is asking that this be provided to the Orleans facility. He is obtaining the agreements to provide services for the patients, and the agreement for Siskiyou County has worked out well. The after hours calling ability also meets HRSA requirements. This will be tabled to Thursday to allow time for Erin to assign a number to the agreement/contract.


Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


5.) Daniel Pratt, TANF Director:

Elsa is present to review Daniel’s report but has no action items. She noted that TANF is operating very well. She also noted that TANF is looking at possible office space for Yreka TANF which is near the Yreka Court House.


Florence Conrad motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve TANF’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6.) Karen Daniels, DQMCH:
Karen provided a Bi-Annual meeting agenda for the Council to review. She has also attached her report on ACQI Committee reports.


To Sonny’s question previously, about CHR services in Yreka, Karen wanted to answer this. Karen noted that Clarence Barger handles a lot of travels for patients and she has talked to him about time usage, and Clarence is handling this and addressing scheduling to provide more services to patients. Karen noted that she is to be covering and assisting Clarence but she is running pretty thin as well and is handling several projects not allowing her to assist him. The staff is operating the best they can but will surely evaluate their time to ensure the patients and duties of staff are being met.


Phil Albers motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Karen’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7.) Chad Tiraterra, Database Administrator:

Chad is present to review his written report with the Board. Chad provided the monthly summaries and productivity reports. He has been working really hard on the RPMS database which is fully operational. He explained that he can now clean up the RPMS system getting rid of duplicate entries, old fields that were duplicated, and past entries that are no longer needed but filling the system.


Florence Conrad motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Chad’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Non Health Employees:

1.) Sandi Tripp, Land Department

Sandi is present to seek approval of an action item. She has a modification to contract 08-C-056.  Modification #5 to contract 08-C-056 for $21,260 is necessary for work on Anavkaam project. The project is expected to begin May 24, 2010 with full completion by August 20, 2010.


Florence Conrad motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve modification five (5) to contract 08-C-056, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon asked if Sandi is communicating and discussing the project with the Ambulance crew to ensure that there is access to the health clinic during the project. Sandi has discussed this and the construction crew is very ready and prepared for ambulance access if the need should arise.


2.) Ramona Taylor, DNR:

Ramona has two items to present. The first item is for Earl which is a master participating agreement, mainly a framework for his entire Six Rivers road decommissioning work. Having a master agreement allows for a single agreement per project at a later time, but an overall agreement approved to work together. It is resolution 10-R-054 accepting the agreement between the Karuk Tribe and the USFS Six Rivers National Forest dated to December 2010.


Florence Conrad motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 10-R-054, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Phil asked where Earl was when the Council was asking questions as he was here earlier in the day. Ramona stated that she has an action item to present, and although Earl was here earlier, she could present it which would allow him to travel back down river as opposed to being in Happy Camp all day, spending time away from his office.


Ramona then presented another action item, which is a GAP grant application. This grant opportunity funds several positions at DNR and is in the amount of $361,694.


Sonny Davis motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve resolution 10-R-052 authorizing submission of a GAP grant application in the amount of $361,694, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3.) Rick Hill, KCDC / Grant Writer:

Rick would like approval of contract 10-C-081 between Resource Management and KCDC for $36,548. This is for the Head Start remodel project.


Florence Conrad motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve contract 10-C-081, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4.) Laura Mayton, CFO:
Laura is present tonight to seek approval of several contracts related to a camp that was put on by a staff member. The Council tabled the request to closed session.


Laura had another action item that she then presented. She explained that during a recent wind storm at the Administration Complex, a staff member’s vehicle was damaged. The lowest quote received was $989.25 and the highest was $1,000 or higher. Laura is requesting to use discretionary funding to pay the lowest quote to the staff member and she may determine if she would like to use her own repair shop or the lowest quote received.


Florence Conrad motioned and Phil Albers seconded to approve payment to Dolores Voyles in the amount of $989.25 from Council Discretionary, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


5.) Laura Olivas, Controller:

Laura Olivas is present asking the Council to approve distributing addresses from the Enrollment office to distribute invitations for Babbie Peterson’s upcoming Native American Elders and Veterans event scheduled for May 28, 2010.


Consensus: to allow the Enrollment Department to release eligible addresses according to process in place for distribution.


Closed Session:

Florence Conrad motioned to provide $350 assistance to Tribal Member #1444 from Third Party... died for a lack of second.


Consensus: to allow the dental program to apply for HRSA award; if approved then two staff will travel to receive the recognition award.


Informational: some patient complaints were rumored to have been reported and the staff was present to announce the facts and solutions for better services in similar instances.


Phil Albers motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve contracts 10-C-050, 10-C-051, 10-C-052, 10-C-054, 10-C-055, 10-C-056, 10-C-057, 10-C-058, 10-C-059 and 10-C-60 between the Karuk Tribe and named individuals on the contracts for $100 each contract, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus: for the CFO to draft a letter to former employee # 7968 to seek repayment immediately.


Leeon Hillman motioned and Florence Conrad seconded former employee # 7968 file making him ineligible for rehire with the Karuk Tribe, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus: to deny loan request from Tribal Member #221


Consensus: to deny loan request from Tribal Member #538.


Informational: A thank you was provided to the Tribal Council for assistance during recent funeral services.


Informational: disappointment in staff being prepared and distributing information professionally as well as confusion as to why some staff is involved in other programs departments was updated to the Tribal Council.


Leeon Hillman left the meeting at 7:21pm       


Consensus: a reminder was provided to the Council to be open-minded and listen to Directors and Council Members when there are concerns/complaints reported.


Leeon Hillman returned at 7:34pm


Bud Johnson motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to increase employee #1988 VISA credit limit to $5,000, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Informational: the Tribal Meetings need to be more formalized including agendas and allow flow of meetings that includes productivity.


Consensus: to allow supplies as requested and in accordance of what was approved for all ceremonies, for the upcoming War Dance.


Informational: the Council previously approved maintaining the Chairman in the Vice-Chairman’s slot as KTHA Chairperson.


Consensus: to deny the request made by Hoopa Elementary School based on Non Native American enrollment.


Consensus: for the Chairman to review costs for attorney to work on transferring incarcerated Tribal Member from Mississippi State Prison to a closer facility.


Informational: the Vice-Chairman will assume his duties on the Enrollment Committee.


Consensus: to table request from Tribal Member #327 to Thursday.


Phil Albers motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve the Klamath Nomination Letter for possible funding pending Laura Mayton and Erin Hillman’s review, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Verna was asked to be excused at 8:01pm


Informational: frustrations of staff and communication between Directors or co-workers were updated to the Tribal Council. 


Verna Reece was brought back to the meeting at 8:39 pm


Next Meeting Date: June 10, 2010


Phil Albers motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:41pm, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara,



Respectfully Submitted,



Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider