Karuk Tribe

Council Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2010

Orleans, California


The meeting was called to order at 5:02pm by Arch Super, Chairman.


Roll Call


Arch Super, Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Sonny Davis, Member

Alvis Johnson, Member

Wilverna Reece, Member


Quorum is established.


The mission statement was read aloud by Verna Reece, Member.


Approval of the Agenda for April 22, 2010


Florrine Super moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve the Agenda for April 22, 2010.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1)  Approval of the Minutes for March 25, 2010


Florrine super moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve the Minutes for March 25, 2010.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Arch took the opportunity to thank Roy Arwood for his time and commitment to the Tribal Council.  Roy thanked them and also passed along a message from CRIHB which he received at their last meeting thanking the Tribe for their support of their goals over the years.


2)  Swearing in of Newly Elected Council Members

Philip Albers Jr. and Dora Bernal were duly sworn into their newly elected Council seats.  Phil will be the Vice Chairman through November 2010 and Dora will serve as the Orleans District Representative through 2013.  Phil is from Orleans and Dora is from Crescent City.


3)  Old Business

None at this time.


4)  Patrick Cleary, Humboldt District Candidate

He is one of four candidates for the June 8, 2010 election for the Humboldt County District 5 Board of Supervisor’s Seat.  He provided them some very brief information regarding his experience and qualifications for the seat.  He prides himself with being able to calm very contentious situations and build bridges between people.  He runs several radio stations in the coastal region.  He pledges to work with the outlying areas and not forget they are there.


Scott Quinn pointed out the high need for law enforcement in the outlying areas.  Patrick states he is endorsed by the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department and agrees that their department is underfunded.


Florence inquired if Humboldt County has a DARE program and if they ever visit the schools in Orleans and the other outlying areas.  He states he is not aware of that being done but does not know.


Sonny asked if he is in support of the fishing initiatives if the dams are removed.  He believes that the dams need to be removed.  He feels that fishing is a large part of who they are in this area; he has worked with coastal fishermen to protect their interests as well.  He states it is in everyone’s best interest to have a healthy fishery.


5)  Ryan Sundberg, Humboldt County Candidate

Not present.


6)  Pam Aimes, US Census

She is present on behalf of the US Census Bureau; she has met with them several times and discussed the issue of under-counting of Karuk Tribal Members.  She states the next phase of the Census is the follow up on the households who did not mail back their surveys by going door to door.


She states nationally there is a response rate of 70%; in Yreka it was 78%, in Orleans it was only a 45% and in Happy Camp it was only 48%.  She states they have a lot of work to do in those areas and is open to working with the Tribe to develop ideas for ensuring that everyone is contacted and counted.  She states there are ways for households to be counted via telephone and she will be leaving brochures for them regarding this.  She is willing to work with the community however she can to raise the response rate to ensure an accurate count.  The final date is July 30, 2010 to respond to the survey.  May 1 is when they will start visiting the residences that did not respond.  They will go in person up to three times as well attempt telephone contact.


She suspects that many households did not receive a form, likely because they are off the grid.  She recommends calling into the telephone system sooner rather than later as once the phone calls slow down, they will close the call centers.  Arch asked if there is a list of who is working in the Happy Camp and Orleans areas that they can refer people to.  Florrine states that they will distribute information to the staff and the community members they work with encouraging them to participate.


7) Ashley Allgier, Orleans Youth

She is present to represent herself and her partner Eli Hensher-Aubrey to request assistance from them to take their project to State History Day in Pasadena, they won second place in the County making them eligible for the State competition.  If they win at State, they then will be able to attend the National competition.  They are asking for $400 toward gas and $250 toward food, their rooms are paid for and the community is helping them as well.  They have raised $500 themselves; they will not have enough by May 1 to make the trip.  Arch states they will consider the request and make a decision at their Thursday meeting and then let her know.


8)  Eric Cutright, Information Technology

He welcomed the new Council members; he states their computers and cell phones are on order and he anticipates having everything by Monday; he requested they contact him with a date and time they are available to meet with him in Happy Camp.


He provided an update on the broadband applications that the Tribe has supported to expand and improve internet access in Orleans.  He explained how the different applications would service them if approved.  They have been invited to comment on all applications that claim to impact the Karuk Tribe.  There are nineteen of them.  Five of the six applications they supported have been forwarded to this funder, the other fourteen applications claim to provide a service or access to the Karuk Tribe but actually do not expand or improve existing services.


He provided a brief overview of each of the applications the Tribe supported so that the audience is aware of what they propose to offer to the community.


His question to Council is regarding the fourteen applications that are not relevant.  Should they provide no comment or should they provide negative comments regarding the fact that they claim to support the Tribe for the additional ranking points however, they do not directly support the Tribe.  They have until May 3 to provide their comments so it can be discussed at the Planning Meeting next week.


Phil asked what type of impact the comments from the Tribe will have on the funder.  He states that he knows all Tribal, County, and State governments are allowed to comment, they are placed in the file.  He doesn’t believe it would make or break the application but if the competition is close it could make a difference in which grant(s) is/are awarded.  Phil asked if it would offer cellular phone service to the community, he does not think so, it would be internet service.  The cost would be very reasonable, there could be subsidies for low income households and it will improve service at the community computer center.


Results:  He will prepare a draft letter for the Planning Meeting.


9)  Youth Leadership Council

Florrine requested that the Orleans Youth Council Members present introduce themselves to the Council.  They did so and requested that two Council Members participate on the Youth Leadership Advisory Committee.  Florrine currently participates so they will need one more person.  They meet quarterly prior to Council Meetings at 4pm in whichever community the meeting is being held.  Dora volunteered to participate along with Florrine.


10)  April Attebury, Tribal Court

Her only action item is approval of the Circles of Care brochure that was distributed.  She has reserved two tables for the Community Connect Fair in Happy Camp on May 6 at 12pm and would like to distribute the brochure at that event.  She states the only change made was to change the beginning date from 10/1/2008 to October 2008 and capitalization of youth under the listed purposes.  She also added Rivkah’s name to the brochure.  Alvis states it would be nice to have information about their services distributed to the High School to coordinate with their awareness activities they have been doing.


Phil thinks it would be nice to have the language accents correct on Yav Pa Anav.  There was discussion regarding the spelling and pronunciation.  She states she consulted with speakers and would like to have it correct before printing.  He also pointed out some grammatical issues that he noticed.  April states if he forwards the changes to Sara, she will incorporate them and can print them.  The youth requested they be printed on recycled paper so she will order and forward that to Sara for the printing.


Florrine Super moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve the brochure with changes for printing and distribution.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve April’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11)  Amos Tripp

He would like to address the Council regarding the concerns he continues to have regarding not only the Brush Dance but the Tribe’s mission overall.  He read the mission statement aloud and states that he sometimes believes they fail, not in what they are doing, but in communication with Tribal members.


One example is the slide that occurred near Somes Bar; the families with property located near there were never contacted by the Tribe regarding the environmental and cultural concerns they may have as land owners, they were rather contacted by Caltrans and have been hearing through them what their intentions are and what they are doing.  He feels that the Tribe should be the one to contact them as the Tribe is there to serve the membership.


He states it is not only because he lives out of the area because other members who live locally have not been spoken to either.  They also were told by Caltrans that there are efforts to place land into the National Register of Historic Places in this area and he feels that members who live and participate in ceremonies in this area should be contacted regarding the activities of the Tribe and what they are doing.


Fishing rights at the Falls have been discussed as well and who will be allowed to fish.  He states that Fishing Rights are owned by families and Fishing Days are run by families, not the Tribe.  He is not trying to be critical and hopes it is not taken that way, he hopes that his feedback will just remind them that they work for everyone and need to communicate with them.


He congratulated the two new Council members.  Dolores asked about Fishing Rights being owned by families and if they have always been owned by the same families and can that ever change?  He states it is not a fishing right, it is a responsibility to fish and then in turn to share those fish with anyone who comes down and does not have fishing days or cannot get their own fish.  It is a responsibility for them to catch the fish and share the fish with the membership.


He congratulated them on being a part of dam removal, he hopes that removal will bring back the spring salmon that they use for the salmon ceremony and that they will be able to have and catch more fish.  He is excited that they are making progress and asks that they remember to work toward helping all members and representing all of their needs.  Arch states he will talk to him further regarding where they are at with their different projects and what information they can share with him.


Leeon asked Bob to let them know where they are with the Fishing issues at the Falls.  Amos states his primary concern is regarding how any actions they take will impact Fishing Days and traditional use at that location.  Bob states the intent behind the Ordinance was to allow for the introduction of a Department of Natural Resources Committee to work together regarding issues that impact them.  Amos states he is advocating for more involvement and communication with the membership on important activities such as this.


Bob states he has a long list of items he needs to follow up on with the Council as amendments to the Ordinance that have been gathered by speaking to members in the communities and getting feedback from them; he also needs to revisit establishment of the Natural Resources Committee.  Amos states he is glad they are working on it, but continues to be concerned with the number of members who are not being consulted on issues that pertain to them.


12)  Ruth Rouvier, Language

She has one action item for tonight’s meeting.  She is again requesting funding to cover lodging for the consultant working on the video project with the youth, the maximum would be $198 to cover two additional overnight stays in Orleans, and it may only be one night necessary.  There will be six to eight youth at the training.


Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve lodging reimbursement of up to $198 for Mark Oliver.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She states that the continuation application for next year’s funding has been submitted and received; she expects to hear from them in six months.  The 2nd quarterly report for Year 2 has been submitted.  The Film Festival has been scheduled for Thursday, May 20 to present the videos that the youth have prepared through the project.  It will be held in Orleans since that is where the largest majority of the youth live.  They can have an additional viewing in Yreka and possibly Happy Camp during the Reunion.  It will be at the Panamnik Community Building following the MKWC Fundraiser Dinner being held that evening around 7-8pm.  Phil suggests she speak to the Language Restoration Committee about volunteering to cook a Karuk meal that evening.


She pointed out information at the end of her report regarding a newly formed collaborative with UC Berkeley and the Language Program.  They have secured funding for a summer internship for a Linguistics Undergraduate Student to work with their Language Program.  She would like to know if they want to enter into a formal agreement or MOU/MOA or keep it informal.  Erin suggests it being formalized so that they can have documentation regarding how they are working together with them.


Phil has spoken to them quite extensively regarding this and explained what they plan to work on together.  Andrew at UC Berkeley would like to work with the Tribe and the speakers to develop a document that can be understandable and used to teach and further the language.  He agrees a formal document would be beneficial as well.


Consensus:  For Ruth to draft the agreement and bring it back to Council for approval.


The word of the month is ásip “bowl, basket; especially an acorn soup basket” in honor of the gathering this weekend.


Florrine states that the Head Start Policy Council would like to invite Ruth to their next meeting to plan on how they can get the speakers into the Head Start Centers to work with the kids.  The meeting will be May 18, 2010 in Happy Camp at 10am, it is a Tuesday.  She states maybe they can rotate months between the speakers to keep it going and allow them to hear different speakers.


Verna Reece moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Ruth’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13)  Robert Attebery, Low Income Assistance Program

He is present to review his written report.  He does not have any action items for open session this evening.  He believes based on the budget that they are helping many Tribal Members with necessary services they need.


He states they are making progress on the Earl Aubrey project, they have identified affordable options for that house, there may need to be some trees removed to get it into the location, it will give them a guideline for future projects in the same area as well.


Florence Conrad moved and Verna Reece seconded to approve Robert’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14)  Dion Wood, Tribal Employment Rights

Dion was present to review his written report.


He states they certified 40 individuals through the recent monitor training; they plan to hold another training in June to train those who were not able to attend this session.  He brought photos for them to look at from the training.  He states everyone was very excited and there was a good mix of people from all of the communities.  They did an evaluation at the end of the session; the only bad feedback was that there were too many people making it hard to get one-on-one assistance.  He thanked Laura, Erin, Donna, Leaf, and Bill for their assistance in making it possible.


He spoke to NEW regarding funding that can augment the computer centers. They have to identify that they received JOBS funding in 1995, which they did so he is working with Laura on that.


He is stalled on the Workforce Protection Act due to the fact that they need to determine if they will adopt OSHA or a Tribal OSHA (TOSHA) as other Tribe’s have done.  Leeon asked how that works since there is Federal and State OSHA with different guidelines.  Dion states they would adopt their own standards and all employees would fall under that rather than State or Federal, there also needs to be a mechanism for monitoring for safety and compliance.


Verna asked who oversees the Monitors to see that they do what they are supposed to do.  Dion states there are no monitors for the monitors, the entity who is paying them or the contractor who is doing the work is usually overseeing them.  They have to trust them to self-supervise which does not work.  Phil asked how that system works.  Dion states there is no policy currently but they are working on establishing a pool of monitors that are utilized for projects.  That will be a portion of the THPO and the Natural Resources Committee.  Sonny asked if there will be monitors when the dams begin being removed, yes, they believe that will be necessary.


NCIDC has confirmed that funding will be available for Summer Youth workers this year, based on their needs; that will determine how many workers they can get.  He is coordinating with Joyce Jones on this.


He will be working to coordinate Math and Science Camps in the schools this Summer to get the youth more comfortable.  For their Childcare ARRA monies they will be augmenting the library at the Panamnik Center and installing toy libraries in each of the communities.  He plans to coordinate with the People’s Center too as they may be able to benefit from that.


He reviewed the upcoming meeting/training dates with the Council.


Verna Reece moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Dion’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15)  Jaclyn Goodwin, Grant Writer

She is present to review her written report; she states she does not have any action items this evening.


She thanked them for the funding for the youth trip to UC Davis and Cal Berkeley for Cal-Day; it was great.  There were 15 kids who attended and they met with different groups at the schools encouraging them to attend college and feel comfortable there.  She met Tom and Jennifer who Ron Reed has been working with on youth projects and other cultural projects.


She is working on the library enhancement grant for the People’s Center with Helene, it currently is too small to actually be a library and they will be using those dollars to enhance and expand that, the funding can be up to $150,000 to purchase a cataloging system and scheduling storytelling activities for the youth to come and hear readings.


She is working with Ron on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation application; they have been accepted to submit a full proposal which is promising.  May 13 is the due date for the full proposal.


Jaclyn encourages anyone who is aware of funding that can help with youth projects or ideas for obtainable projects to contact her and get her the information so that she is ready to apply for them when there are tight deadlines and be organized so that she can maximize the funding she can apply for to fund those needs.


Leeon asked more about the youth trip; she states the kids were very well behaved and it went very well.  He thanked all of the staff who made that possible.  Emilio states he appreciates the help too.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Jaclyn’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16)  Erin Hillman, Administrative Programs and Compliance

She distributed a copy of the updated Hazard Mitigation Plan to all of the Council Members, tonight is the opening for public comments to the plan.  They have updated all of the references to reflect Tribal mitigation plans rather than State and updated staffing.  If they want to see the original plan, she can get that for them but did not include a markup copy since there were so many changes.  They added air and water quality to the document as well as addressing dam removal.  They held the staff briefing this afternoon and the document will be available on the website along with the comment form.  She will also schedule a public meeting for Yreka as requested by Sonny.


She has a copy of the contract review process policy and changes as modified with input from the management team for approving vendor contracts.  The request form is also included.  There were wording changes as suggested by the staff as well to better reflect their process.  Dion has been formally added to the process as he has an interest in employment and TERO tax issues in contracting.  It can be approved at a future meeting once she returns from travel so they have time to review the document.


May 10, 2010 at 1pm in Happy Camp will be the Grant Writer interviews; she encourages them to attend and let Sara know if they will be there.  Phil and Florence both state they are available to attend.


She continues to seek obtaining their CSD funding directly from the Federal Government rather than through the State.  Currently all of the Tribes either go through the State or through NCIDC.  She is trying to limit the level of reporting required for that funding.


She asked if they have any questions.  Arch inquired about the FEMA agreement, it still has not been returned with the requested changes.  She states there is no hurry on that document.


Alvis Johnson moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Erin’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17)  Sami Difuntorum, Housing

She has one action item for this evening.  She states the Indian Housing Plan submitted after yesterday’s Quarterly Meeting has already been returned from HUD as the Fire Ecology Barracks have been deemed an ineligible activity.  That will be deleted in the amount of $200,910; she suggests that funding be added to the Revolving Loan Fund; if they identify another purpose for that funding they can modify it again; this year’s loan program was funded at a low level of only $94,419 so this would raise that to a level allowing for potentially one or two home loans.  Sonny asked what the cost was to build the one bedroom unit.  She states it was about $225,000 for total development costs; the costs were quite high due to complications with the infrastructure development.


Verna Reece moved and Florence Conrad seconded to transfer $200,910 from the model project to the Revolving Loan Fund.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She states the NAHASDA Cooperative Agreement meeting has been scheduled for Friday, May 14, 2010 at 10am in Yreka at the Community Building.  She invites any Council Members available to attend the meeting.  Arch suggests that Bob attend the meeting.  Bob states he has not seen the document as of yet.  Sami states most of the content of the existing agreement is related to projects already completed, their goal is to revise the document to include payments for services received rather than in lieu of taxes.  The new City Manager is Steven Baker that they will be meeting with, he is very unaware of how the relationship works and so it will be a great time to develop a new document including all of the input from the Planning Meeting held in Redding.  It will be a meeting to go over talking points about what the agreement should include rather than actually negotiating an agreement.


She states she has been reelected to the National Board for another two year term representing California and Nevada; they have requested that she co-chair the legislative committee at the National Convention.  She attended the SWIHA conference and received recognition from HUD for expending their ARRA funding in record time; that puts them in a good position for obtaining recaptured funding when it is reallocated.


Florrine asked if anyone inquired about the vehicle accident at Housing and the fact that Yreka Police would not go to Housing and take a report.  She has not heard of that particular incident but has heard of instances with weapons when they would not respond either.  Florrine states YPD told the parties that they don’t do traffic violations and would not respond, one of the drivers was drinking but they did not respond and now the insurance will not pay since there is no police report.  She states Ann met with the Chief of Police regarding these types of problems.  He believes they do not have jurisdiction in Housing; he will be at the meeting on May 14 and they can discuss that issue at that time.


Scott asked if the City is liable when they do not respond; she believes that the agreement specifies that they will provide law enforcement at the same level as other residents receive outside of housing.  He states that because it is a PL 280 state they are required to respond.  Bob states beyond PL 280 they have a responsibility to respond, he suggests a complaint being filed with the Chief of Police first and next with the City Council.  He recommends putting everything together in one complaint and submitting it at the meeting that day.


Leeon asked if Housing has earthquake insurance, she believes that Orleans should have that coverage but she will need to look into it.  He states based on what he saw in the Orleans unit today; there are large cracks that need to be repaired that were a result of the earthquake.  He states the units need to be inspected and that needs to be addressed.  Leaf asked if Humboldt was declared a disaster, Erin states that for the earthquake it was.  Sami states she had not been advised of any damage.


Dion asked about the mural in Happy Camp and why it was painted over after they said at the design meetings it would be preserved.  She states she has heard comments that community members did not want to keep the mural.  She recalls that it was discussed with Council at a Planning Meeting when they were discussing the rehabilitation of that building and that they wanted to replace it with a more Tribally appropriate mural.


Elsa asked about the policy regarding job announcements and why they are hiring three people for Orleans and only one of them needs to have a driver’s license.  She believes that is discriminatory; Sami states that was the Supervisor’s request to ensure that at least one person on the crew is able to drive.  Sami states that they have a hard time finding people who have driver’s licenses to apply for jobs.  Elsa states that doesn’t make sense because if that driver is sick the other two cannot work.


Phil Albers moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sami’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


18)  Helene Rouvier, People’s Center

She distributed her report as she was on travel last week.


She has one action item which is Contract 10-C-077 with Bay Alarm to monitor the fire alarm installed at the People’s Center.  The initial equipment is $125 and then $50 per month for monitoring until the agreement is cancelled.  It has been reviewed for approval.  The monitoring company contacts the fire department and then the monitoring company contacts law enforcement and the Tribal staff designated which are Fred and Helene.


Phil asked if there are policies in place regarding what happens to the items in the Center and how to prevent damage from the fire department if there is a fire.  She states that is part of their disaster preparedness planning to meet with the first responders to discuss those types of things but that has not taken place yet.


Leeon Hillman moved and Phil Albers seconded to approve Contract 10-C-077.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She reviewed the remainder of her report briefly.  They visited Berkeley last week and the Phoebe Hearst Museum, the photo included was one of the regalia items they viewed.  Many of the items are in good condition, likely meaning they were treated with pesticides and could only be used for research.  They also visited the Peabody Museum with the same circumstances; she is going to do arsenic/mercury testing on site on twenty items there through grant funds.


She announced that the Basketweaver’s Gathering is this weekend in Happy Camp and she has funding for a Fall Gathering once the NEA Grant extension is approved.  She states she has received requests for that event to take place.


April 30, 2010 is the next People’s Center Advisory Committee Meeting at the NCIDC Offices in Eureka it will follow a Karuk Exhibition Planning Meeting at the Clarke Museum.  Sonny and Phil would like to attend the meeting as is Ron Reed.  They invited Dora to attend as well if she is interested, and Leaf is invited also.  She explained what they will be discussing at the meeting.  Leaf states they need to add repatriation of the Hillman Collection to the agenda as well; she will talk to him more about that.


She has been working on reorganization in the Center and highlighted the classes being held in the Center for Men, Women, and Basketweaving.  Florrine states that they also have Culture Classes in Yreka on Tuesdays from 6-8 for families, and Basketweaving on Fridays from 6-8pm.  Helene states she has funding that can support that and would like to talk to her further.


She has several grants pending and a couple they are finishing up.  She has been requesting extensions for the grants that she was hired in the middle of.  Alvis suggests that she invite Bradley Marshall from Berkeley to come up and show them some of the regalia items he has made.  She states the Women’s class is making a dress currently.


Verna Reece moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Helene’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

19) Rick Hill, for Jim Berry, KCDC

Jim’s written report was included.


Rick was present to request approval of procurement with Resource Management in the amount of $36,548.21 to complete renovations on the facility in Yreka that will be utilized for Head Start.  Phil asked if they will be working with anyone to integrate traditional concepts into the design of the facility as has been done with other facilities.  Emilio states the cement work done on the Hoopa Bluffs is really nice, Phil states that was done by the contractor on that job.  Rick states he will be developing a contract to be approved next week.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the procurement with Resource Management in the amount of $36,548.21.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Alvis Johnson).


Erin states that Rick has done an extensive amount of work on the Hazard Mitigation Plan that she distributed earlier, she thanked him for all of his help.


He distributed a request to approve procurement to have LACO Associates do Environmental Assessment work for an addition to the Yreka facility for storage.  The cost will be $6,159 and they were the lowest price.  It will be to enclose the parking bay at that facility to provide them additional storage space that is needed.


Verna Reece moved and Phil Albers seconded to approve the procurement with LACO Associates in the amount of $6,159.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Jim Berry’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


20)  Leaf Hillman, Natural Resources

Leaf was present to review the report for Natural Resources.


The first action item is Contract 10-C-073 with Aquatic Ecosystems Sciences, LLC in the amount of $14,000 to analyze, summarize, and prepare data for the manuscript for journal submission for the water quality program.  It was the only response received to the RFP.  It will be for April 1, 2010 through March 31, 2011.


Florence Conrad moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Contract 10-C-073 with Aquatic Ecosystems Sciences, LLC in the amount of $14,000.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The second action item is approval of Resolution 10-R-045 authorizing submission of a funding agreement between Pacificorp and the Karuk Tribe in the amount of $165,887 to complete water quality monitoring of blue green algae and associated toxins in the Klamath River from April 1, 2010 through April 30, 2011 to further the NEPA process for the Secretarial Determination on Dam Removal which will be issued in 2012.  This will continue each year until the determination is made.  Some of the work is for joint projects with the Yurok Tribe.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 10-R-045.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


His third item is a document previously approved that was missing a signature.  Arch signed the document.


He has two additional items.  The first is a request from Susan Corum to be issued a blackberry, she has funding through the Pacificorp funding agreement and has been attending more and more meetings related to dam removal efforts, Grant Johnson will be working on more administrative tasks and Richard Myers will be doing more field work to allow her participation in the NEPA work necessary for the Secretarial Determination.


They are looking at ways to implement the same type of arrangement for Toz Soto as his participation will be more necessary in the coming years prior to the determination.  He hopes to obtain an additional biologist once they can identify funding to provide supervision to that department while Toz focuses on the preparation necessary for dam removal.

Leeon Hillman moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve issuing a blackberry to Susan Corum.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


His last request is out of the area travel for himself and Craig to DC next week to both attend the Workgroup Appropriations meetings and to meet with staff regarding the Thompson Legislation which will be introduced very shortly.  Representatives from the Klamath Tribes will be there as well so they are coordinating meetings together.  He will also meet with the Advisory Council staff regarding issues with the OCFR; the dates are April 26-30, 2010.  Verna, Sami, Erin, Bob, and Earl will also be travelling at the same time.


Alvis Johnson moved and Phil Albers seconded to approve travel for Leaf Hillman and Craig Tucker to Washington, DC, April 26-30, 2010.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florrine states at the Head Start Policy Council Meeting they also spoke about having Natural Resources come into the classroom to work with the kids.  She asked who she should talk to regarding scheduling that for the 3 and 4 years olds.  Phil states that the Yurok Tribe has allowed staff to go the charter school to do presentations and hands-on activities in the Centers in all three sites.  Leaf states that Jeanette does work in the elementary schools and that may be something she could speak to her about.  Phil suggests working with Emilio and developing an actual schedule, Ron Reed has expressed an interest in that as well.  He believes they can figure out something.  Emilio suggested some potential projects.


Verna Reece moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Leaf’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


21)  Scott Quinn, Land and Transportation

He was present to review his written report.  He has no action items.


He just returned from the Lake and Mendocino Tribes meeting to talk about what they have done here to help them develop something for their area and better working relationships between the Tribes and Caltrans.


Fred has obtained the permit to allow for snow removal on Grayback Road to begin in the next week.


He states that they installed some speed bumps in the Orleans Housing to assist with speeding issues in the Elder’s community.  He thinks they need to install a sign indicating it is Elders Housing and potentially putting up a cement boundary to block the road and keep them from driving through.  He has quotes for cement barriers that are 8’ long and the cost is not that high.  They can also put some of the really big boulders from the slide there.  They could also prevent some of the partying that occurs on the cul-de-sacs that are not developed yet by blocking the area.


The Senate Indian Affairs staff called to follow up on the Tribe’s request for off reservation fee to trust applications, they cannot advocate directly for them but if they can push them forward at all they have indicated they are willing to do that.


He has one item for their review, not necessarily approval tonight, which is the Land Use Compliance Policy that was distributed to them at the last Planning Meeting.  Sami is in agreement with the language included in the policy.  She requested one change to the language indicating that Council approval of the Indian Housing Plan would indicate approval of the projects that will take place on land.


He again presented the revised war bonnet logo which was modified to create a draft Karuk Seal to be used for official purposes.  He has requested approval a couple of times but it has been tabled both times.  He explained what the changes/updates were.  They suggest that there be a contest and it is suggested that there be more input from membership before they approve it as an official seal.  It would not replace the flag; it would be a seal separate from the flag.


He states that he has been discussing a Scenic Byway designation and how that can promote tourism without causing too many cultural issues in the process.  He spoke about the bus service and encouraging staff to use that system for work purposes.


Phil Albers moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Scott’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf asked if he has heard from the group that is interested in a solar array on Tribal property and if they have evaluated the Tribal sites yet.  He states they only looked at Orleans; they will still look at Happy Camp and Yreka.  They want to work with the Tribes because the zoning regulations are more lenient than private land.


22)  Emilio Tripp, Education

He was present to review his written report.


He states the Education Committee met last week and there were some policy recommendations that he distributed for review that they can consider in the future.


He provided highlights of the report to the Council.  The youth trip to the colleges went very well, everyone worked together to coordinate and fund the trip so that they could get the kids there.  He highlighted the programs and departments they were able to visit while they were there; they also got to see the Karuk students that are there and talk to them about their progress.  There are three Karuk students that he knows of.  There are Hoopa, Yurok, and Karuk Tribal Members all going to school there who keep each other company.


Florrine asked if he knows when he will replace the Council Member who served on the Education Committee; they usually appoint a Council Member to serve in that capacity.  Erin states they were going to check the policy to see.  Dion states they will need a Council Member for TERO as well.  Roy was also the CRIHB Alternate and on the People’s Center Advisory Committee.  Leeon states they should think about that and discuss it at Planning Meeting next week.


He states that he spoke to the Head Start in Orleans about working with the kids and may need to have a TB test first before he can be in the school with the kids.


Sonny Davis moved and Phil Albers seconded to approve Emilio’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


23)  Robert Goodwin, Self Governance

His written report was included; he has several items to update them on in Closed Session.


LACO has stated that they can use a 2 acre footprint to install a solar array on Tribal land.  They would install the equipment and initiate a contract with the power company for 10 years; they would exit after six years, transferring the equipment to the Tribe and then they could renegotiate the agreement with the power company; he encourages them to pursue that activity.  Because the majority of the land was purchased with NAHASDA funding the Tribe would need to purchase the land from Housing in order to ensure there would be no issues with that.  LACO would train Tribal staff so that they could operate and maintain it themselves.  It would be an economic development project potentially; KCDC may be able to make payments to Housing for the land.


Erin and Jaclyn brought him the last ICDBG Grant which was not accepted so that he can go through it.  Erin has negotiated an overview of the contract under which Sue will draft the upcoming ICDBG Grant.  In order for her to estimate how many hours she would need, she needs to know what the grant will be for.  Erin states Jaclyn will come to them at the Planning Meeting next week to determine a top three list from the Council so that they can move forward.  They advocate for Orleans as they are the most limited on space.  Bob will stop by the HUD Offices in Arizona while he is there in May to re-establish the relationship they used to have for the Tribe.  They haven’t been there in quite some time and they need to nurture that relationship.


He asked if they decided who would be traveling to Arizona for the Self Governance Conference; Alvis will travel for Council with him May 2-6, 2010 in Scottsdale, AZ.  Lessie and Daniel will be there as well.  Leaf states he is not volunteering himself or any DNR staff to attend the conference; he encourages a mini-briefing with Bill prior to them traveling there to discuss fire issues and the potential for compacting those funds.  Florence is willing to attend if no one else can be there for Council.


Florrine Super moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve travel to Scottsdale, AA, May 2-6, 2010 for Florence Conrad.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


He states that they met with BOR to discuss the AFA.  That could potentially be a source for additional funding to get Toz freed up for dam issues.


Erin continues to work on DHHS and HRSA funding opportunities to potentially fund the Clinic project.  He and Jim also spoke to the Department of Commerce about funding a clinic for an economic development project and they indicated that they have funded that type of project in the past.  Rick has put together a proposal outlining their needs and the concept of the Wellness Center that has been proposed before so that they can determine if they are interested in funding that type of request.  He requests their permission to approach this subject with Commerce.  Lessie has been consulted regarding that funding.  Erin states this is not new HRSA funding; last year they applied for ARRA Facilities Improvement Program funds and did not receive funding so they are continuing to pursue avenues that have been suggested by the different staff members they have met with.


Consensus:  To submit the pre-proposal to the Department of Commerce regarding the potential for clinic funding as an economic development activity.


He submitted the proposal to the Intertribal Fish Commission and it looks good to be funded.  He worked with Scott on Caltrans regarding language needed for the agreement.  He ran into a small issue being contacted by Will Harling regarding the name of the MCWC facility in Orleans and requests input from the Council regarding their opinion on the name of the MKWC facility.  They are open to working with the Tribe on changing that and will remove/change it if they request that.


Consensus:  To request MKWC rename their building in Orleans.


Verna Reece moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Bob’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


24)  Laura Mayton

Written report only, not present, on vacation.


She has one action item which is putting the painting of the Blue Housing and re-staining of the KCDC Building out to bid.  Phil asked if the staff can do it in-house.  They do not have time right now.  Sonny states they need to look at the People’s Center porch.  It has been suggested to take it off.


Consensus:  To put the painting of the Blue House and the re-staining of KCDC out to bid.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Laura’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


24)  Fred Burcell, Construction

Written report only, no action items, not present.


Florence Conrad moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Fred’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


25)  TJ Day, Maintenance and Automotive

Written report only, no action items, not present.


Sonny Davis moved and Phil Albers seconded to approve TJ’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



26)  Sara Spence, Human Resources

She was present to answer any questions on the written report; there are no action items for open session.


Verna Reece moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sara’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


27)  Requests

None at this time.


28) Phone Votes

a)      Request approval of resolution 10-R-037 authorizing submission of a grant proposal to the Department of Labor WIA Native American Program funding for two years to provide workforce development training for youth and adults. Passed.

b)      Request approval to approve a loan to Tribal Member #1515. Passed.

c)      Request approval of agreement 10-A-033 between the Karuk Tribe and Siskiyou Telephone in the amount of $93,548. Passed.

d)      Request approval of out of state travel for Dr. Do, Dr. Bardonner, Nicole Hokanson and Donita Hill to Tempe AZ March 26-27, 2010 for dental training program. Passed.

e)      Request approval of resolution 10-R-032 authorizing ICW Intervention. Passed.

f)       Request approval of resolution 10-R-033 authorizing ICW Intervention. Passed.


29) Informational

None at this time.


30) Committee Reports

The NCIDC Meeting minutes were included for their information.


Closed Session from 9:20pm to 12:45am.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 10-R-043 enrolling ten new members into the Karuk Tribe.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Phil Albers seconded to approve Resolution 10-R-044 relinquishing one member from the Karuk Tribe.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve $800 of burial assistance from discretionary for Tribal Member #621.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florrine Super moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Education Agreement 10-A-037 with Employee #0730.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Agreement 10-A-036 in the amount of $750 with Siskiyou County.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  To continue discussions regarding the overlap with the agreement that open community meetings will be held with Karuk Tribal Members to gather their input prior to a final decision being made.


The KS Wild Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 10am at the Headway Building.


Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve travel for Sonny Davis and Phil Albers to attend the Clarke Museum Exhibit Meeting on April 30, 2010 in Eureka.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to for Florrine Super and Florence Conrad to participate on the DOB/OVW Committee.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  To modify the wording on the Notice of Primary Election and redistribute for final approval prior to mailing.


Consensus:  To maintain initial decision regarding salary level and schedule needs for the Vice Chairman position.


Next Council Meeting Date:  May 27, 2010 at 5pm in Yreka.


Meeting adjourned at 12:47am.


Submitted by,




Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary, Sara Spence