Karuk Tribe – Orleans Council Meeting

January 22, 2009 - Meeting Minutes



Meeting called to order at 5:06 PM by Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman



Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Robert Goodwin, Council Member-late-5:07 PM

Florence Conrad, Council Member

Alvis Johnson, Council Member

Verna Reece, Council Member



Arch Super, Chairman-travel-excused

Florrine Super, Secretary-travel-excused

Roy Arwood, Council Member – travel - excused


Approval of agenda:

Robert Goodwin motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Approval of minutes:

Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve minutes of December 18, 2008 with changes, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



1.) Chag Lowry, Community Member

Chag is present tonight to provide an overview of a project that he is working on. He is a writer of The Original Patriots: Northern California Indian Veterans of World War Two. The original voices non-profit program is asking for support for a new book titled The Original Patriots: California Indian Veterans of the Korean War.


Chag is Yurok, Miute and Pit River ancestry. The book he wrote took him seven years to complete. He wanted to honor as many Northern California Veterans that he could reach. He understands that he did not reach everyone possible and that there are many more to reach. His first book was funded by Native American Tribes. The book is in many local highs schools as well as a couple Universities. He listed several names of WWII veterans that have passed away. He would like to do a second printing with more veterans and families. He brought with him, free posters for the community that feature several Native American veterans. He will produce more and distribute them when needed.


He is working on his second book and he would like to invite people who were a part the era to call him and provide information. He would like to request that the Council purchase some of his books and the revenue he generates from his first books sales will go toward his follow up work.

Erin suggested putting his contact information in the Newsletter for Tribal Members to contact him with further information. Chag was interested in this and would like a little article included in the Newsletter about his project and that would be okay for Tribal Members to contact him. The website is originalpatriots.com for reviews of the book and further information. This request will be tabled to Thursday for further information.


Leaf thanked him for his hard work and his dedication with time and effort and the fact that it is easily seen that this is personal to him. He congratulated him on his work. Scott thanked him for honoring the people in the book as well and announced that Chag has been dedicated to this type of work and he appreciated how Chag honored the veterans.  


2.) Sonny Mitchell, Community Member

Sonny would like to ask the Council to support the Orleans community open gym night. There are several children and adults that attend the open gym night and he would like to ask the Council to renew the insurance policy that the school requires for use. Laura will check to see if the Klamath Trinity School District has a current insurance policy as she believes it was renewed.


The Tribe will provide the insurance coverage if it wasn’t already on the list for renewal.


Director Reports:

1.) April Attebury, Tribal Court Administrator:

Not present.


2.) Jim Berry, KCDC CFO:

Jim is not present, written report provided.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Jim’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3.) Jennifer Goodwin, Education Coordinator:

Jennifer is present to review her written report with the Council.


Jennifer explained that she had been working on a letter of intent for higher education funding but it was determined that no other funding was available. She will continue to work on seeking further funding.


Jennifer brought the higher education grant applications with her tonight if anyone in the audience was interested in completing them or in need of assistance. She also has a list of scholarships that are available for students, and she has found that some of the scholarships have been applied for. The scholarships that are available are very useful and underused so people should be encouraged to apply. She will also be available to assist in completing the applications. The application due date for the grant program is January 30th.


Jennifer reviewed the tutoring services offered by the Education department. Leaf asked how many children are being served at each location or school. Erin announced that there is a requirement for sign in sheets and tracking for payment. Leaf was wondering about the need and if the services are being offered to those that need it or if there are services that are still needed. Jennifer explained that there is ten hours per week at each school.


The unification for the Happy Camp High School has been presented to the board and was voted to not support the unification in that area and will revisit that option in two years. Jennifer reviewed the reason for the discussion and the implementation of the unification idea. Bob clarified that the decision was based in part by the Siskiyou Union School Board continually overlooking Happy Camp High School for much needed repairs and using funding to offset sporting needs of the other schools, while Happy Camp School is without basic repairs that are needed. The group proposed to have a feasibility study done, to determine if a unified school district in Happy Camp would benefit Happy Camp and it’s community. Bob asked if there were plans discussed to resolve the funding that was taken from HCHS and the building issues that were already identified. Florence asked if there was enough funding identified to fix the building. Jennifer was unsure but will find out what the plans for repairs will be. Leaf is interested in finding out who would be on the advisory committee to ensure there is adequate tribal representation. When measure Q was presented it was understood that the advisory board would be formed and there should be representation on that board that can adequately speak to the majority of the students’ needs.


Erin would prefer to have someone that has construction background sit on the advisory board. She and Skip Davis will be attending the first meeting. She believes that someone should have a construction background. Leaf believes that someone does not need to be focused on construction but the needs of the students and the school and understand the responsibilities of funding the school needs, especially the repairs that are needed. Erin will attend the first meeting with Skip and bring that information back to the Council.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Jennifer’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4.) Carrie Davis, Self-Governance Assistant:

Carrie is present tonight to review her written report with the Council. The labor force report has been completed and she forwarded it on to Arch. He has not heard anything back, but to her knowledge, it is in Ken Reinfield’s office.

Carrie has one action item. She would like to know if the Council would like to continue with the CIGNA membership. The cost is $5,000. Hector was formerly in favor of being a member but Carrie is unsure of the Council’s direction. The Council has not made a determination on this yet, however it is understood that the Tribe does use their lobbyist and that was the most beneficial in years past. Leaf does not currently support rejoining the group with the cost of the membership fee. Leaf believes that the forming of CATG there isn’t a lot of interest in staying with CIGNA. This will be tabled to Thursday, but the current Council does not have interest at this time.


Carrie reviewed the previous AFA and compared it to what the BIA is submitting for the renewal. The Social Services budget was allotted a higher amount, but she called Matt to discuss this. The Pacific Region wasn’t receiving the funding like the rest of the regions and the amount is based on the baseline of last year. Carrie believes that this supports Social Services and Behavioral Health. Carrie explained that the increase was $0 up to $132,000. Laura explained that there has been additional funding allotted and those increases happen every now and then. Carrie explained that this can still go up and down and there is no difference in the process. For welfare assistance instead of $42,000 this appears to be increasing to $47,000. This funding is based on the 2008 numbers. Leaf questioned what the date or projection is for a meeting with Matt or Amy Dutchke and Gordon Smith. Carrie will set a meeting face to face to be held regarding the AFA. She will work with Sara and Barbara on appropriate dates that work with the Council’s schedules.


Carrie will be attending the legislative reception and if any interested Council Members would like to attend they may.


Verna Reece motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Carrie’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


5.) Robert Attebery, LIAP Administrator:

Robert is present to review his written report with the Council.


Robert noted that he is developing his own system in the LIAP office. He came into his new position during the most hectic time of year. He has been staying in touch with clients and returning phone calls and processing applications.


Robert is becoming familiar with the HIP program. He and Erin met with RJ from the BIA regarding the HIP program. He will meet with Scott regarding trust land in connection with HIP.


Applications for the HIP program are due March 2009 and Robert brought some applications with him for distribution. Leaf explained that when the projects come in they are always inadequate for the cost of construction and the BIA HIP program are lacking in enough funding to cover the cost of the projects. Leaf would like to have pre-screening upfront and not end up in any binds in the end.


Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Robert’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6.) Erin Hillman, Director of Administrative Programs and Compliance:

Erin is present to review her written report with the Council. Erin announced that in the State of California there were several homes that were lacking and needed HIP programs. The HIP program is going away and there is no more funding appropriated for HIP moving forward. This year, if they operate under resolution then that will leave several million dollars for the HIP program to be completed. The flexibility that the BIA is approving will allow the HIP homes to become a feasible option and work very well in this last year. Erin explained that there is the option to purchase homes as opposed to replacement. The BIA is also going to change their square footage allowance. None of them will require EA’s, NEPA or such regulation. Erin would like to revisit some projects due to flood plains and have those readdressed. She would like to offer the option to purchase a home on another piece of property. Leaf asked if the BIA changed their minds on co-mingling with NASHADA funds. JR provided Erin a document from another Tribe that combined with NASHADA and displayed a binder with projects and submitted a request for NAHASDA to waive that finding. The BIA has approved the waiver, but that has not waived NAHASDA regulation as far as Leaf has seen.


Erin continues to review her written report with the Council. She updated the emergency preparedness plan and announced how many kits were submitted.


The 2009 ICDBG grant was not funded and Erin has a phone call with HUD in February. Erin would like to have a conference call to discuss the application and Sue Burcell will sit in on that conference call. She would like the Council to revisit what their priority is and what project would be feasible.

Bob suggests maybe talking to Sue to determine if she would like to assist in the next round of the grant application. She has been contracted previously to assist in grant writing and it may be beneficial to the Tribe to seek a consultant to obtain the grant.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Erin’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7.) Dion Wood, TERO Director:

Dion is not present but his written report was provided. Dion did phone Laura Mayton and has concerns and an opinion on the Arts Center leasing property next to KTHA


There is already a signed MOU and a draft agreement at the BIA office regarding the Arts Center leasing the property. Dion will be invited to the next Council Planning Meeting for his opinions to be heard. It is understood though that a MOU has been signed and Scott would like to hear the concerns to include if applicable in the agreement.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Dion’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


8.) Sami Difuntorum, KTHA Director:

Sami is not present, but her written report was submitted. Ann is present to distribute action items. Ann announced that there were community meetings with Elder’s regarding any concerns that they may have. One issue was the flumes needing cleaned and that issue is being addressed. There was only one elder that attended in Orleans, 2 in Happy Camp and her next community meeting is in Yreka tomorrow.


Ann distributed a letter to Senator Boxer’s office regarding the massive economic stimulus plan that is being developed by president elect Barack Obama.


Sami has had several conversations with Senator Feinstein’s office, Palowsky’s office and others to have open communication regarding possible funding opportunities. Sami would like to have the Special Projects Workgroup work on the funding needs of the departments and programs.


Consensus: to submit the economic stimulus letters with changes.


The draft agenda and policies for the planning meeting in Coos Bay will be submitted to the Council via email.


Verna Reece motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Sami’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


9.) Rick Hill, Grant Writer / Resource Developer:

Rick is present to review his written report with the Council. Rick announced that Hester has been working on three new grants in the month of January and a renewal application to SAMHSA Circles of Care.

Rick has been working with the Special Projects Workgroup on three proposals including energy, stewardship and wellness clinic. He has also been working on Homeland Security Grant that would address emergency preparedness needs.

Rick explained that there are funding agencies that are funding for emergency preparedness. There was a MOU that is compatible with the State and work with them. All the federal law enforcement agencies must work cooperatively together. Erin is working on NIMS and it is a website to complete the application. Erin went on to explain what kind of questions there are. She explained that the Tribe isn’t NIMS compliant but that the Tribe is not required to have it at this point as the Tribe is not funded by the requiring funder. This is a goal, but it will not be easy to do. Erin was more concerned over the relationships that are required to have the grant. Erin would like to move on and look at other funding.

Rick has been working with Adrienne Harling on fire wood and biomass opportunities and fuels reduction.


In December there was a strategic plan submitted to the Council and they will need to work on that more. Rick will be meeting with Jennifer on the education program needs and would like to continue to assist her where he has ideas.


Rick would like to work with Earl Crosby and Bill Tripp on RAC grants. Bill Tripp talked to Marsha Armstrong on Biomass and fuels reduction and Rick is interested in this.  


Leaf explained that this may not become fruitful. Florence does not want this door closed completely as Bill has had successful conversations with Marsha Armstrong.


Earl would like to suggest that Bill contact Marsha directly to see if she will make the first move and not have the Tribe continually reaching out to her. Leaf is not opposed to the Tribe seeking funding, especially RAC funding, however Leaf just doesn’t want staff wasting time.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Rick’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


10.) Ruth Rouvier, Language Coordinator:

Ruth is present to review her written report. She has action items to present. There are eleven master apprentices that are arriving for the language event that Ruth is having this weekend. For the next three years the master apprentice’s project will be underway. After this project she would like to have the language classes reinstated again.


Ruth presented a contract for approval. The contract is with Florrine which is 09-C-028 with $12.00 at 150 hours a year for three years.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve contract 09-C-028. Laura will review the contracts again to determine if the contracting guidelines are allowable, 4 haa, 1 puuhara (Verna Reece), 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve contract 09-C-027, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Ruth announced that she attended a meeting in Hoopa CA discussing teacher certification for Native American instructors. There seems to be some allowances with the No Child Left behind Act regarding this. There is a group forming with Tribe’s that will have a unified stance on this issue, the next meeting is February 2, 2009 at 10 AM regarding this. Robert expressed the master’s degree not mandating the qualifications of a “master apprentice” and the Tribe’s should have say in this and develop tools for determining a teacher’s ability.  Each Tribe would participate in development to ensure someone is a master developer. Erin explained that there has been some work on this in the past and that the stance was done that Tribe’s should be able to certify who is qualified to be a master speaker. The meeting will be in Hoopa and Ruth invited any person who is interested in attending.


Leaf explained that this was an issue in the 70’s as well, and there was a short term fix of having the Governor at the time sign an eminence credential for each language teacher at that time. This previous process should be evaluated to determine how it worked previously.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Ruth’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11.) Laura Mayton, CFO:

Laura is present to review her written report with the Council. Laura has no action items but read from her report providing an overview for the Council of her projects and tasks over the last month. Laura explained that she has not heard back on her indirect cost proposal but will follow up on that issue with a phone call if she doesn’t hear back soon.


Verna Reece motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Laura’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12.) Earl Crosby, DNR Director:

Earl is present to review his written report with the Council. Earl presented action items for approval.


Earl distributed an action item for travel to Oregon and the use of Panta Rhea funds for the action team to travel.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve resolution 09-R-010 for $4,000 to the Panta Rhea Foundation and approve travel to Portland OR for Chook Chook Hillman, Annelia Norris, Jennifer Staats, Georgianna Myers, Dana Rose Colegrove, Lauren Alverado, Shaun Bourque, and Regina Chichizola, 3 haa, 1 puuhara (Florence Conrad), 1 pupitihara (Leeon Hillman)


The Council would like to reiterate that Craig Tucker train Karuk people to be on the action team for Karuk issues.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve addendum (1) to 08-A-009, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Earl has several meetings that the Council is encouraged to attend. He will forward information on the mushroom taskforce meeting to the Council to confirm a date.


Leeon Hillman motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Earl’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13.) Scott Quinn, Land Manger:

Scott is present to review his written report with the Council. Leaf would like the official copies of the Indian Ned Allotment survey and have someone re-stake the property. Scott believes that the property has already had a survey done and the property was reviewed and finalized. The Council is working on a project and Scott will forward the documents he already has for the Council to review.


Scott thanked KTHA for leasing the Land Department office space in the new Panamnik Center. 


Leeon Hillman motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Scott’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14.) TJ Day, Maintenance Supervisor:

Not present, written report provided.


Leeon Hillman motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve T.J’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15.) Fred Burcell, Construction Manager:

Not present, written report provided.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16.) Sara Spence, HR Manager:

Not present, written report provided.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Sara’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17.) Jim Burcell, KCDC EDA Director:

Jim provided information for the Council on KCDC being removed from “high-risk” and the previous recommendation that funding not be passed thru to them. With several years of successful auditing it was determined to remove KCDC from that high-risk listing.


Jim went on to explain that there was some county economic funding that was not shared with the mid-Klamath community. The workforce connection uses data to obtain grant funding, but does not share that funding once it’s received. Erin would like to determine who they receive funding from and apply for it on our own behalf.

Jim reviewed a resolution drafted by the Board of Supervisors that opposing emergency rulemaking to shut down suction dredge mining in Siskiyou County. The Supervisors are hand carrying their resolution to the Governor’s office and the Department of Fish and Game.

There have been cd’s developed with funding and the Board of Supervisors couldn’t enforce their opinions on the cd’s due to the funding being utilized in a manner that was consistent with the guidelines. The Collier’s rest area has several cd’s and on those there are issues regarding the Klamath River. Collier Interpretive Center which is funded by BOR created the cd’s and they run during the day at the information center.


A first reading of the Siskiyou County Code for demolition and removal of reclamation and public hearing was held and approved. Currently the second reading is scheduled for February 10, 2009. There was discussion on continued support for the committee for the working group, but would like to step away from the KBRA. The new workgroup; Marsha believes is a better group.


Jim believes that there is the ability to get funding from RAC. Mr. Davenport participates on the RAC committee. Also the RAC grant is available for Education. The Tribe is eligible to apply more than once, and Sue would like to apply to RAC for the Happy Camp Computer Center.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Jim’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Phone Votes:

1.       Request approval of procurement and allow the purchase of a Honda Pilot form Mid City Motor World in the amount of $27,627.75. Passed.

2.       Request approval of procurement and allow the purchase of three Honda CRV’s from Ellis Brooks totaling $60,896.00. Passed.

3.       Request approval for out of state travel for Earl Crosby to attend BIA funding workshop in Scottsdale AZ. February 3-5, 2009. Passed.

4.       Request approval of purchasing cement materials for the Yreka Smoke shop. Fred Burcell estimated the cost to be approximately $1,700 and will come from set up fees set aside by the Tribe. Passed.

5.       Request approval of resolution 09-R-001 authorizing submission of a grant proposal to the Sierra Health Foundation Responsive Grant Program in the amount of $25,000. Passed.

6.       Request approval of resolution 09-R-005 authorizing submission of a grant proposal to CSD in the amount of $59,747 as a pass thru. Passed.

7.       Request approval of resolution 09-R-004 authorizing submission of a grant proposal to CSD in the amount of $42,000. Passed.

8.       Request approval of resolution 09-R-007 authorizing submission of a grant proposal for $500 to the Seventh Generation Fund. Passed.

9.       Request approval of resolution 09-R-008 authorizing submission of a grant proposal for $500 to the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival. Passed.

10.   Request approval of resolution 09-R-006 authorizing ICW intervention on behalf of Tribal Member child. Passed.

11.   Request approval of contract 09-C-012 between DNR and USGS. Passed.

12.   Request approval to allow Tribal Member # 0295 to enter into a new loan agreement with the Tribe for $25 a month beginning February 2009, allowing Tribal Member to receive assistance. Passed.

13.   Request approval to allow Tribal Member # 2409 to make $100 payment to KTHA with a balance left owing of $25, allowing Tribal Member to receive assistance. Passed.

14.   Request approval to suspend Tribal Member # 1647 loan payments for up to 120 days, allowing Tribal Member to receive assistance. Passed. 

15.   Request approval to allow leave for employee’s that were excused by their supervisor’s due to weather. Passed.

16.   Request to approve procurement and allow the purchase of computers for the HC dental department and one for the Land Department in the amount of $5,204.37 from Lenovo Inc. Passed.

17.   Request approval of procurement and allow the purchase of office furniture for the TANF program in the amount of $2,021.08 from Quill. Passed.


Requests: None at this time.


Informational: None at this time.


Committee Reports: None at this time.


Closed Session:

Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve resolution 09-R-009 enrolling 12 people, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the annual enrollment report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve out of state travel for Amanda Rhodes to Las Vegas NV, March 23-25, 2009, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin motioned Florence Conrad seconded to approve out of state travel for Amanda Rhodes, Barbara Snider and Dolores Voyles to Las Vegas NV, February 25-26, 2009, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the selling of boat seats for $50, 5 haa, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve appointing Tribal Member # 3292 to the Election Committee, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve paying $360 for 1 day of treatment a week, for three months, for Tribal Member # 1717, from third party, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara for the next three months.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Conrad seconded to approve the revised request for contract, MOA, MOU form, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus: for Erin Hillman to work on installing locking system at the People’s Center and Alvis Johnson to open and close the People’s Center on Wednesday’s.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve out of state travel to Albuquerque NM January 27-30, 2009, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve requesting # 0372 to resign from the Education Committee due to non residency of represented area, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. The position will be flown.


Next meeting date: February 26, 2009 in Yreka, CA.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to adjourn at 9:52 PM, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Respectfully Submitted,



Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman


Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider