Karuk Tribe of California

Health Board Meeting 

May 8, 2008 - Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 3:08 PM, by Arch Super, Chairman



Arch Super, Chairman

Sonny Davis, Council Member

Roy Arwood, Council Member

Alvis Johnson, Council Member

Robert Goodwin, Council Member (3:16 PM)

Florence Conrad, Council Member

Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman (3:16 PM)



Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Florrine Super, Secretary


The Health Mission statement was read aloud by Robert Goodwin, Council Member



Alvis Johnson motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve the agenda, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Minutes of April 10, 2008:

Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the regular Health Board meeting minutes of April 10, 2008, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



Troy Hockaday, Senior Center Nutrition Program (3:09-3:17 PM):

Troy explained that there is a new requirement of having completed quarterly surveys of the Senior Nutrition program participants. So far the staff is doing an excellent job as reveled by the recent program participant survey which was recently done at the Happy Camp site. If there are any questions that the Council would like to see then the Council should let Troy know and he will revise and implement further questions in the next quarterly report. When the next survey is done there will be a baseline to compare against. Troy has taken the outgoing meal delivery from 8 clients to 15. There has been an increase of client’s eating at the Center and this improves the overall health of all elders in the area.


Robert left the meeting at 3:13 PM


Arch inquired what the total number of seniors that are eligible for service. Troy has currently 18 regular clients being served and at least 12 being served at the center. The service area has more clients than what is being served.


Robert and Leaf entered the meeting 3:16 PM.


Robert asked what Troy believes can be done to improve the program. Troy would like the Elders workers to inquire if Elders are being served and if not what service can be offered to them. Troy would like that question posed to any and all elders to receive feedback of meeting needs and to determine what needs are not being met. Robert asked how many more persons may qualify for meal delivery. Troy believes that there may be another possible eight participants that could use the service, but are not receiving it based on needing paperwork assistance.


Director Reports:


1.) Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH: (3:17 -3:57 PM)

Lessie is present and distributed updated information for the Council. Lessie explained that the budgets seem fine and the HRSA grant is being spent which is a relief and alleviates returning funding. Of course the persons that are eligible are the ones being coded there. A letter of support is attached for the Siskiyou County Services Council. It is a letter of support for an education grant. Lessie met in Yreka with Joe and the representative in Siskiyou County Services Council. Lessie was inserted on the committee, but Lessie would prefer to have a substance and abuse counselor.  The grant that is being drafted on May 19, 2008 they want a Council member present to discuss decision making options for serving the needs of the Karuk Tribe. Lessie believes that the grant has already been drafted. Martha has been working with the grant writers on another grant and Sue Ann of Siskiyou County Services Council is cooperating with our grant writers for a grant proposal on behalf of the Karuk Tribe. Lessie is seeking approval of a support letter for her grant application or the Karuk Tribe’s support of the grant proposal.

The Community Services Council attempts to collaborate with outside agencies and obtaining resources for expansion and providing services to each other. Florrine is on this committee. Some of the supervisors are present along with other key personnel form within the County. Sue is really interested in the educational programs that Joe Snapp uses. She is really interested in accessing the substance abuse portion of KTHP. Florrine can vote on the action of this committee. Mike believes that this group is finding the need overwhelming and they are attempting to coordinate more effectively with each other. Mike confirms that Joe’s program is one of the best in the State so they want to coordinate with each other and work together. Lessie has discussed with the group to have more transitional homes in the County and she is hoping to be perceptive to this.


Consensus: to provide a support letter to the Siskiyou Services Council on behalf of the Karuk Tribe (Robert  Goodwin abstained).


Anthony Ballard has an equipment order. He is hoping to purchase room dividers for his group services offered in Orleans. The room needs to have better confidentiality and privacy systems in place. This will be paid from the HRSA equipment line item. There is $19,000 in the supply line item and this purchase is $2,484. Robert explained to Lessie that the purchase exceeds $2,000 and will need to have the necessary paperwork completed. Anthony or Lessie shall prepare procurement documents.


Florence motioned and Sonny seconded to approve the purchase of room dividers in the amount of $2,484 contingent that the correct procurement process be completed, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Lessie would like seek approval to travel to Minneapolis MN for AAAHC training for herself and Norlyn Peters in June 2008. She was previously approved to travel to Portland OR for the training but has a conflict in her schedule and would like to cancel that trip and replace it with Minneapolis.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve out of state travel for Norlyn Peters and Lessie Aubrey to Minneapolis MN June 2008, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The State IHP application has arrived. The grants department does not have this as their priority and Lessie will have to complete the application to meet the deadline. Sara Spence, Laura Mayton and other staff will fill in and complete the application pulling together the necessary documents for the submission to the State. Lessie is coordinating the application and assigning staff to assist her with the due date being May 30, 2008.


Lessie has discussed the letter from Margo Kerrigan updating tribes on the recent lawsuit between IHS and Susanville Rancheria. Susan Diehl had a law suit against IHS and now tribes can charge Indian beneficiaries for services rendered at our facilities even though IHS considers this inaccurate as tribes are provided funding to provide direct care services. IHS provides money for healthcare and believes that the current practice of not charging any fees at the time of service should continue. In our economic changing times tribes have evaluated charging Indian beneficiaries a copay for their clinic visits and Susanville was the first IHS facility to implement this change and when a lawsuit was filed against them, they fought the suit on the basis of self-governance and determination to sustain their healthcare facilities. Lessie and Laura Mayton will attend the meeting May 29th to participate in discussions with several tribes on this topic. Leaf inquired what the intent of the meeting was. Lessie will participate to listen to the other tribes to gain an understanding of the situation. Lessie may provide information if asked, but she is unsure right now of how the Karuk tribe should proceed. Dr. Burns explained that Susanville says they are responsible for providing care to Native Americans, but the Federal Government is not providing enough funding to meet the healthcare needs. When the lawsuit was completed Susanville was awarded their determination and were allowed to charge a copay for medications at their tribal clinic. Leaf clarified that Susanville were the defendants and the suit is appealed will affect all tribes. Leaf believes that it is critically important for the Karuk Tribe to share their views as a California tribe receiving IHS funding for healthcare but not enough to provide services for whom they are responsible for. This lawsuit was a circuit court decision and it is best to review it and understand it carefully. He believes that it is fairly likely to have some influence on how Indian Health Care is managed and used moving forward. Leaf would like Tribe’s and the Karuk Tribe in particular to be very clear about this issue. There is a responsibility that the Federal Government has in regards to Native Americans and specifically to healthcare. Susanville did nothing wrong in Leaf’s eyes but they were doing the same sort of things that are done at other tribes and other facilities across the nation.

Leaf would encourage Lessie to view the legislation and develop a position statement from the Tribe that speaks to the obligation of the Federal government to Indian People and that speaks to Tribe’s in a similar situation as ours and each other. We have a very good healthcare program that has been in place for a lot of years and that includes decisions being made for the best possible services and making it work without enough funding from IHS. There needs to be continued flexibility for Tribe’s to make these types of decisions.

Lessie should email her position paper to Margo Kerrigan once the Council has viewed it and approved it. Laura Mayton and Lessie Aubrey will draft the position paper and forward to the Council to review. Robert would like the letter emailed as well to ensure there is proof of the Tribe’s position being forwarded.


Florence Conrad motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.) Martha Schrock, EDHHS: (3:57 – 3: 59 PM)

Martha is currently on leave. Her written report is attached for the Council to review.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve out of state travel for Martha Schrock and Anna Myers in July to Albuquerque NM, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Martha’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Roy read the note in Martha’s report thanking Anthony for his impeccable record keeping regarding the tribe’s recent CAIR audit. Florence believes that this is something to recognize an employee for as there are Tribe’s that have lost their CAIR funding due to record keeping and Anthony’s hard work is very much appreciated.


Laura Olivas did work with Anthony as well. The Council members that are on the CRIHB board should come up with something to thank Anthony for his job well done.


3.) Vickie Walden, RDA: (4:05 – 4:06 PM)

Vickie is not present, but her written report is provided. 


Robert Goodwin motioned and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Vickie’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4.) Mike Edwards, Behavioral Health Director (4:06 – 4:09 PM)

Mike has one action item. The Tulle River Band has requested assistance with their DUI program application, and Joe would like to assist them with providing the documents excluding the Tribe’s financials. Joe would also like to verbally provide technical assistance to that Tribe.


Consensus: to allow Joe Snapp to provide documents excluding fiscal information and technical assistance to the Tulle River Tribe for their DUI project.


All other items in Mike’s report are informational including visit counts and overview of other director’s reports.


Mike commented that the advertising efforts for increasing Drake’s visit count is working and is the highest it has been in three years.


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Mike’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


5.) Patti White, Database Administrator (4:10 – 4:14 PM)

Patti has no action items but does have some updates to her written report. Chris has set up a template server and once Amy Coapman and Chris Kleeman return from training they will schedule IHS training for the health program and begin to move toward EHR implementation. It has also been determined to have Yreka clinic be the test sight for EHR as it appears to be more workable with an onsite person trained to assist in EHR questions.


Florence Conrad motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Patti’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6.) Eric Cutright, IT Director: (4:14 – 4:30 PM)

Eric has no action items but he did provide his written report for the Council.

The People’s Center store has been registered and the store exists but is not operational at the moment. Eric is working with Dave Wrobleski. They will begin to take pictures and review the inventory. Eric believes that within the next week there should be items added to the website. Other highlights of Eric’s report include additional work with Social Service staff at the KCDC building. KCDC will be having a wiring upgrade to create a better working environment. Eric will provide procurement for actual supplies once he is ready to order. A satellite has been installed in Happy Camp and Orleans to allow for back up of internet services in the event of their local line going down.


Florence Conrad motioned and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Eric’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert inquired about a trip to an Elders house and the discovery of life line service area. Robert questioned the range of the transmitters and if there was any way to boost the range via the technology department. Eric is familiar with range for transmitters, but will have to review the specific equipment and try to come up with some ideas for better services. Mike Edwards explained that there are different companies that offer a similar service and upon ordering clients should evaluate the distances they wish to explore as some equipment is far better than others.


7.) David Eisenberg, PHN (4:30 – 4:51 PM)

David thanked Flo for her work to obtain client enrollment in EAPC and HRSA grants that save patients a lot of funding. David has spoken with Suzanna Hardenburger regarding the patient assistance program to determine if there can be more people qualified for these two programs. He is pretty convinced that by the end of the day the funding will not have to be sent back but be used for its purpose to assist clients in receiving their medications and care. The diabetic program is going to be running out of money in the prescription line item so CHS will have to pick up that service in their line item once the diabetic grant is depleted. The entire diabetic budget can be spent on medications but that will restrict podiatry and other care that is related to diabetics. 


David’s action item is that the State of California has released its EAPC re-application. This is not an application that can be explained as it varies based on money in a pool of funding and if other programs apply for the funding. David expects to obtain approximately $80,000. The resolution is 08-R-049 authorizing re-application of EAPC. The program has been running for nineteen years.


Roy Arwood motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve resolution 08-R-049 authorizing re-application for EAPC, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf inquired about David’s report and the plan to recoup the documentation needs to qualify patients for EAPC and HRSA. David explained that as this has been happening the staff has been implementing several steps to deal with the concerns including elders or field workers assisting clients in providing their income verification at their residence with transportable equipment. David will work with Laura on the Wal-Mart option on receiving medications at a lower cost due to the reports of the high cost of medications and the option of Wal-Mart providing a lower cost.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve David’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


8.) Daniel Pratt, TANF Director: (4:52 – 5:23 PM)

Daniel has provided his written report and distributed TANF position descriptions for review and approval by the Council. Daniel has updated the Health Board on the developments of the TANF program based on the contract obtained with HSU on census collection and reporting.  

The ninety (90) day planning and review period is given to the State for review of the TANF plan. However the state waived the ninety days and once the Feds approve the plan then it will be in effect. The state has the new number of 373 caseloads and there is potentially thirty days to appeal those numbers. Daniel believes that the plan is feasible. KTOC numbers are at the state again and Robert questions what the next steps will be. Daniel explained that if the state appeals the new numbers then a sit down will happen with the Feds and the State with the Feds observing both parties discussing their numbers and data for those numbers. The Tribal census is more accurate and the state is using the US census not accepting the tribal census. The state has still not come back with their approval to date, but any day word should be received if they will be approving the 373 number that both HSU and KTOC agree on.


Robert does not have a problem approving the position descriptions however it should be understood that the wages may not be accurate as the funding amount is still undetermined.


Once the MOU is signed with the state the Tribe will be eligible for a draw down of 25% of the funding. Laura explained how the financial end of TANF will work including checks, staffing and funding allotted. TANF has a system similar to IHS in which they have tight tracking, data tracking and fiscal accounting reporting requirements. The reporting will have to be very tight and accounting of services must add up. There are concerns on the fiscal aspect of TANF. Laura explained that the person in the fiscal department for TANF will be supervised by Daniel Pratt, but will have to have a linked reporting requirement to herself as the CFO for KTOC. Robert would like to see the Council discuss the availability of Council for administering programs and signing checks or any fiscal needs. It appears that there are still several areas that need clarification for the operation of the TANF program.  


A meeting shall be set May 22, 2008 at 3 PM in Yreka for the TANF Director and the Council to review the TANF program including the TANF plan, position descriptions, organizational structure and fiscal responsibility.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Closed Session:

Employee #0506 was present to provide an update on fiscal management of the Tribe’s property and the liabilities of the Tribe. (6 minutes)


Alvis Johnson excused himself.


Consensus: after request from family friend of Tribal Member # 6 was presented the Council there determination is to assign employee # 1611 to review all aspects of the proposed refinance including previous loan amount and purpose, new loan amount including total with finance rate, list of liens of residence and to whom, and financial review of all options for tribal member. All correspondence shall be documented and in writing, with no formal determination on behalf of the Council until all information is accurately and openly provided to the Tribe. (23 minutes)


Alvis Johnson returned to the meeting.


Leaf motioned and Robert seconded to approve resolution 08-R-051 authorizing ICW intervention, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (6 minutes)


Dinner break (6:14 – 7:22)


Consensus: for CHS letter referring to restriction of services to be tabled to Wednesday for editing and input from staff. (2 minutes)


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to uphold CHS denial for case # 190 and pay $125 for glasses from the diabetic eye glasses line item, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (9 minutes)


Florence Conrad motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to pay $163.69 from third party for Tribal Member # 4077, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (9 minutes)


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve payment for eye glasses and eye exam by the most cost effective means possible from Third Party for Tribal Member # 115., 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (6 minutes)


Leaf Hillman motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to allow Tribal Member # 295 to utilize assistance from SWEEP with automatic payment deduction of $50 monthly. (7 minutes)


Consensus: to refer Tribal Member # 2817 to CHS and table request to Wednesday. (7 minutes)


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve agreement 08-A-002, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (1 minute).


Employee # 9000 was present to meet with the Council regarding recent memo issued to several staff regarding opposition of the Tribe’s decision making. (13 minutes)


Employee # 1017 was present to meet with the Council regarding recent email of opposition of the Tribe’s decision making. (8 minutes)


Consensus: for Barbara Norman to provide a briefing on smoke shop sales and provide legal opinion and those opinions of other attorneys she has been speaking with. (11 minutes)


Consensus: to table request from Tribal Member # 1444 request for a loan. (3 minutes)


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to provide $80 assistance from Booster club with a contract with Tribal Member # 1673 to pay it upon return in thirty days, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (14 minutes)


Consensus: to table request from Employee # 2760 to Wednesday. (6 minutes)


Consensus: to table bids for road clearing to Wednesday. Staff shall determine the cost vs. equipment purchases including five year planning and program goals. (7 minutes)


Florence Conrad motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve contract 08-C-037, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (2 minutes)


Consensus: for employee # 2267 to resolve emergency preparedness kits not being sent to several members in Salmon River and forward packs to them right away. (2 minutes)


Consensus: for enrollment to release for registration purposes. Florence will work to provide voter registration information to downriver communities while Roy and Sonny will assist Arch in Yreka and surrounding areas. (4 minutes)


Consensus: to direct all elders workers to begin creating a list of Elders in need of any assistance and what their particular needs are. The field workers shall develop and begin to use an assessment method to create documentation of the Elders needs and follow through of those needs. (2 minutes)


Leaf motioned and Florence seconded to pay for new monitor to be installed into Tribal Member # 1666 home and seek our staff to install it, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (2 minutes)


Consensus: to review options regarding employee # 7564 (2 minutes)    


Next meeting date: June 12, 2008 at 3 PM in Happy Camp, CA.


Alvis Johnson motioned and Leaf Hillman seconded to adjourn meeting at 8:57 PM, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



Respectfully Submitted,



Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider