Karuk Tribe of California

Council Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2007

Happy Camp, California


The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM by Florrine Super, Secretary.


Roll Call


Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Sonny Davis, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member – 8:57 PM – Excused

Alvis Johnson, Member



Arch Super, Chairman – On Travel

Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman – Excused


Quorum is established.


The mission statement of the Karuk Tribe of California was read aloud by Florence Conrad, Member.


Approval of the Agenda for June 28, 2007


Alvis Johnson moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Agenda for June 28, 2007.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1)  Approval of the Minutes for May 24, 2007


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Minutes for May 24, 2007.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood).


2)  Pihneftuuf Elston

Pihneftuuf was present to address the Council along with Jennifer Goodwin.  He is a recent 8th Grade Graduate who put together the slide show for graduation and came to show it to them so that they can see his computer skills.


He also has one small request which is permission to use a Tribal vehicle for a family member to transport him to Crescent Lake, Oregon for Summer Camp.  He will be working as a Counselor at Camp but does not have transportation to get there.  It is a Boy Scout Camp that is for seven weeks.  His Father or Cousin can drive a Tribal Vehicle if the Council will approve the request and the insurance company will cover him to drive.  It is for Saturday use on June 30, 2007 and August 12, 2007 to drop him off and pick him up.


Consensus:  They will discuss it at dinner.



3)  Kirby Sims

Kirby was present to address the Council and request that they look into the Cultural Monitoring protocols for how individuals are called to work on projects.  There are Tribal Members who could be working on projects earning income but current staff members are being used for monitoring instead.  He has been attempting to contact DNR to speak to them about this but cannot reach anyone or receive any information.


Results:  This item is on the agenda for discussion in Closed Session.


Sandi is present and states that her understanding is that there were concerns with who is monitoring on projects.  She states that the Somes Bar School is a family location which requires approval by the Family Member of who they would authorize to supervise the work.  There are also requirements for being able to work on school grounds with children present and that is what is going on with that particular site in Somes Bar.


4)  Mike Hentz & Alan Crockett

They are present to address the Council and discuss the Roundwood Project and the Klamath Siskiyou Art Center and where they are at in the process of the RAC Grant and where this project is going.  It is a very large, long term project that will not happen overnight and they are continuing to work on the project.


He is currently writing a Business plan that includes economy, culture, and stewardship.  There is a partnership between all involved properties and there is an MOU that has been worked on for quite some time.


The ultimate end goal of the project is construction of a Community Art Center that will be built with local small diameter wood that is harvested through local stewardship gathering protocols.


He presented them with the Summary Plan and Draft Business Plan for their files and review.


Their critical point right now is Site Selection and determining where they will place the building.  They have reviewed and ranked several sites but have not decided on a final site at this point.  There has been discussion that a piece of Tribal Land could be leased for this project and they are very interested in this and very thankful that it has been offered.  He submitted this information to them with maps and photos.


Alan updated the group on what they have been doing at the local Art Center.  They have monthly Art Openings with 60-120 people at each event.  He states that there are two different realms of where the Art Center is now and what it can become through this partnership and where they want to go.  They have applied for non-profit status; received notice from the State and are waiting for Federal notification.  They have been communicating with College of the Siskiyous for future arts/sciences courses that could be offered in Happy Camp.  They have begun exploring fundraising opportunities.  Every Friday they serve a meal from guest cooks from 4-7 PM at $5 per person which has been very successful.


He states he tries to communicate with the community through email and website development with photos and information.  He encourages everyone to sign up for the email notifications if they are interested.


Sandi states that there was a meeting to discuss the Tribal site that was mentioned and possible uses and suggests that there be a date set that everyone can get together to meet on this project and decide how they will move forward and do the thorough planning that is necessary to be able to seek grant funding for the project.

He also left a copy of the grant summary in case they wanted to read that document as well.


5)  Old Business

None at this time.


6)  Jim Berry, KCDC

Jim states a written report is included.  He has some updates which are that EDA funding has been received in the amount of $60,000 which ties in with the RAC Project which will be blended with that funding to hire the Economic Development Coordinator position that they can now advertise once the position description is approved by the KCDC Board of Directors.


There was a Cooperative Agreement between KCDC and the Forest Service and there was an additional MOU between all agencies.  The Cooperative Agreement was approved and the MOU is still pending.


He states they received their Indirect Cost Rate at 22.14% for Fiscal Year 2007 of total costs.  He has also received the final audit report for KCDC which is clean and they will now pursue removing KCDC from the High Risk Status list with OIG.  He distributed an update on the KCDC Budgets and where they are at.


He presented the Head Start Child/Adult Food Program proposal for their approval.  It is a reimbursement program for the Head Start lunches that are served.  This has been in place for many, many years.  As Head Start is a pass through grant the Council needs to approve it.


Roy Arwood moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Agreement 07-A-014.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Jim’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7)  Hector Garcia, Self Governance

Hector states he has no action items and was present to respond to the question regarding the Appeal for the BIA funding that is being cut from the budget.  He states that no funding has been allocated for JOM or HIP funding at this point.  Roy states that he understands there was some action taken at IHS and they were able to appeal the budget and have additional funding allocated.  Hector states the Senate put that funding back into the budget but they are not showing any willingness to put this funding back in.


If no one from the Tribe is pushing the issue then it will not go anywhere; at the recent meeting no one has expressed it being put back in the budget and it has not been discussed at all.  The JOM funding is the base funding for the Education Department and Erin states Jennifer would be willing to work on anything that can be done.  Hester inquired if NCAI has taken any interest in this issue.  Hector states he and Arch met with NCAI in March and the only issue discussed was monies to be allocated to Tribes for law enforcement purposes.  He states that all of the Tribes are advocating for prison funding.


Hector states they need to call, fax, send letters go physically to the offices and get their message across to make it work.  The Council states that not only Education staff but his department needs to work together to do whatever it takes to get it accomplished.


The Council wants this pursued so that the funding can be saved and returned to the budget.  Hector states that the Tribal Court funding was not done through the Compact.  If it had been through the Compact then it could be appealed but it was additional funding that was allocated on a one time basis.


Florence states that the funding that is being cut from the budget needs to be accounted for and they need to show where it is being spent.  They must take a stand because it is necessary to fund the program.


They are being told each year that the funding to Native Americans is being cut and will continue to be cut each year which is why they have been putting on Economic Development conferences to ensure that the Tribes are able to develop methods to sustain themselves.  Roy states that educating Tribal Members is the primary mechanism to keep them out of jail and allow them to be self-sustaining community members.


Dwayne states they need to take their land back and log it to make some money.


Hector states that directing the budget advisory committee in California before they go to DC on their issues and what they need is the only way to get anywhere; the decisions have already been made before they go to DC.  They must meet locally and get their agenda out there to ensure that what is best for California is being pursued.  There are 13 votes and they will only have 1 which does not help them.  Everyone else has to be on the same page with the Tribe to get them on their side.


Roy states if Hector lets the Council know when important meetings are schedule and what they can do to help then they can but if he doesn’t tell them, then they won’t know.


Bud states that because California is PL 280 that is why they cut Federal Funding because California is supposed to support the Tribes.

Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Hector’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


8)  April Attebury, Tribal Court

Written report only, not present.


Florence Conrad moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve April’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


9)  Rick Hill/Hester Dillon, Grant Writers

Rick and Hester were both present to review their report with the Council.


He distributed a request to apply for $20,000 for the Karuk Tribe to work on Emergency Response Planning and Training.  It is a letter of interest and then the application will be prepared.


Consensus:  To send the letter.


He also has Resolution 07-R-097 to submit to FEMA for $9,573 to put together a mail-out publication in the local communities in 2007 and in 2008 along with a booth at the 2008 Reunion regarding defensible space surrounding property when there is a wildfire in the local area so that land owners are more informed about fire safety.  There was a person in Lake Tahoe who had raked the pine needles 50’ from his home and his home did not burn; the down side is it was illegal to rake the pine needles in that area of the forest.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 07-R-097.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Hester presented Resolution 07-R-085 for a proposal to the Blue Shield Foundation to fund the purchase of the generator for the Happy Camp Clinic site.  They are hoping that between this funding, the Cheney Foundation, the Ford Foundation funding, and Third Party funding they can purchase a generator to run the entire facility.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 07-R-085.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She also distributed Resolution 07-R-098 allowing the Tribe’s to participate in the California Registered Sex Offender System.  If the Tribe does not opt to participate, they cannot participate so they should submit this just in case.  NCAI is encouraging Tribe’s to reserve the option to create their own registry system should the PL 280 language be modified to allow this function and exertion of sovereignty.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Resolution 07-R-098.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She states that she and Rick had a booth at the Reunion to gather comments on the Strategic Plan that was drafted and distributed to Directors and Council Members.  She encourages comments via phone, email, notes, memo, etc.  Rick has also solicited comments from the Directors and they will request a meeting date in July for this purpose so that any necessary changes can be implemented in the document.  The Management Team will review the document at the July meeting for comments as well.


Roy asked about the Indian Education dollars available and if they will be applying.  Erin states that funding is for an Indian Education Center and they will not be applying; NCIDC will be applying.  Hester states her understanding was that if NCIDC applied it would be in conjunction with the Tribe and will benefit the Tribe; they just won’t be the grant recipient.  The Council just doesn’t want to see the funding obligated in an area that will not benefit them.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Rick and Hester’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


10)  Scott Quinn, Land/Transportation

Scott was present to distribute his report.  He apologizes that it was not submitted in the packets; he was on travel.


He states there are about 18 properties in the process of being put into Trust status for the Tribe.  He included the contact sheets for each property where he logs all contact for each one and tracks it in case they have any questions.


The Jacobs/Indian Ned allotments appraised higher than the offered amount.  $199,000 was the amount it appraised for; they only agreed to $188,000 and they have a contract/agreement in place.  BIA is forwarding the justification for their price and they can review that when it comes in and either pay the increased amount or continue with the original amount.


Scott will draft a letter to BIA indicating that they had an agreed upon amount and that is what it should be and cc the letter to Huddleston and go from there.


He is working on the Starritt property but needs Maintenance Staff to help with upkeep on the property and there is some leftover Jacobs funding that could be used to install a sprinkler system which would greatly reduce the maintenance required on the property.  The Tribe needs to ensure this is kept up in the future as well.


Consensus:  To speak to Fred about installing a sprinkler system at the Starritt Cemetery with funding available from the Jacobs Allotment that is linked to the DNR system from creek water instead of City water and add the Starritt Cemetery to the properties to be maintained.  Maybe the FEMA Crew could possibly work on this project as well.


He has been working with Hester on a grant to increase the Stage services offered in the communities.  They would like to increase services so that you could travel from 1-5 to the Coast on public transportation.  It would be about $100,000 to $150,000 per year in grant funds.


He requested approval of an invoice to Happy Camp Septic Tank Service in the amount of $937.50 to assess the Oak Knoll Septic System which is completely deteriorated and must be replaced.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve payment.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Scott’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11)  Sandi Tripp, DNR

Sandi was present to review her written report with the Council.  She has some action items for approval.


The first is a proposal to BOR in the amount of $105,071 for road decommissioning activities on Fish Creek within the Bluff Creek Watershed during the summer of 2008.  Resolution 07-R-094 was assigned.


Leeon Hillman moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Resolution 07-R-094.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Her next item is a proposal to the State Water Resources Control Board in the amount of $11,782 to complete water sampling work.  Resolution 07-R-095 was assigned.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 07-R-095.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Sandi’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12)  Susan Gehr, Language

Susan was present to review her written report with the Council.  She has no action items and will answer any questions they may have.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Susan’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13)  Erin Hillman, Administrative Programs & Compliance

Erin was present to review her written report.  She thanked the Council for time away from work to be able to attend to her duties at the Brush Dance; she appreciates it.


She states the Community Action Plan has been submitted.  Comments from BIA have been received on the Draft EA for the Orleans ICDBG Project and she has forwarded those to Winzler & Kelly in order to publish the release of funds so they can start bidding for the project.


She participated in Title IV-E Training and will also participate in programmatic training not yet scheduled.


The Yreka ICDBG Project is scheduled to be completed ahead of schedule so the Yreka Council Meeting in August will be held in that new building.


She participated in NAGPRA Training at HSU this week; the information was very interesting and the information will be useful.


Roy asked about the IHS and comments to Barry Jarvis and if there is a listing of who requires their wells to be checked and how that works.  Erin states that there were several local Tribal Members who came and asked about their wells and she coordinated meetings for those individuals which is what she is referencing in her report.  She explained how the ranking system works for IHS and individual systems that Members apply for.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Erin’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14)  Sami Difuntorum, Housing

Written report only, not present.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Sami’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15)  Laura Mayton, CFO

Written report only, not present.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Laura’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16)  Lisa Aubrey, LIAP

Lisa was present to review her written report with the Council.  She has no action items and updated them on the HIP program.  She states that there were three homes approved but they have not started because they have to verify they are projects that are possible before notifying them; two are in Happy Camp and one is in Montague.


The President is stating no HIP funding but the Senate is still considering it and they should know by September what the status is for next year.


She also distributed a handout to the Council regarding FEMA mobile homes that are available; they may not be usable.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Lisa’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17)  Dion Wood, TERO

No written report.  His Childcare Plan requires approval of the Council by tomorrow and he will bring it to them tonight; he will be on the Agenda later.


18)  Jennifer Goodwin, Education

Jennifer was present to review her written report with the Council.  She has no action items at this time.  She is going to start making phone calls tomorrow to work with Hoopa and Yurok to try and come up with a game-plan regarding the JOM funding and doing whatever they can do to help.  The last information she heard was that it would be a 25% cut, not a complete cut which is what they said initially.  She is unsure exactly what is going on and is not kept in the loop regarding what she can do.  She will even call the committee members to see what can be done to convince them.  She will be calling an Education Committee Meeting as well and will let the Council know when that is scheduled for.


There was discussion regarding the Indian Education Center and what that would include.  There would be a Center on the River and it would include many services for the local communities.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Jennifer’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


19)  Davey Davis, Maintenance

Written report only, not present.


Roy Arwood moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Davey’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


20)  Fred Burcell, Construction/Maintenance

Written report only, not present.


Alvis Johnson moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


21)  Sara Spence, Human Resources

Sara was present to review her written report.  She has no action items.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Sara’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


22)  Requests

None at this time.


23)  Phone Votes

            a)  Loan request from Tribal Member in the amount of $800 – passed.

            b)  Insurance coverage request for Happy Camp High School for Sober Grad – passed.

            c)  Loan request from Tribal Member – denied.

            d)  Approval of Resolution 07-R-067 – passed.

e)  Approval of procurement for purchase in the amount of $3,391.50 from Native Grass          Seed Mix – passed.

f)  Approval of procurement for purchase of diesel fuel in the amount of $5,775 – passed.

g)  Approval of Resolution 07-R-082 – passed.

h)  Approval to provide LIAP Committee $1,000 – passed.

i)  Approval of support letter to Round Valley Indian Rancheria – passed.

j)  Approval of TANF Plan for FY 2007-10 – passed.

k)  Approval of procurement in the amount of $13,830 with Story Plumbing – passed.

l)  Approval of procurement in the amount of $4,823.30 for Clinic Remodel cabinets – passed.

m)  Approval of out of state travel to Charlotte, NC, June 26, 2007 for 2010 Census Meeting for Arch Super – passed.

n)  Approval of procurement and authorization of $2,800 for repairs to maintenance transmission – passed.

o)  Approval of $260 toward burial assistance to the McCovey family – passed.

p)  Approval not to exceed $300 to purchase fish for IshKayish Brush Dance – passed.


24)  Informational

None at this time.


25)  Committee Reports

None at this time.


Closed Session from 8:39 PM to 10:10 PM.


Florence Conrad moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Resolution 07-R-086 removing 3 Tribal Members.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Alvis Johnson moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Resolution 07-R-087 enrolling 3 Tribal Members.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus: To allow the Enrollment Department to post the list of names that have bad addresses on the website and in the Newsletter to try and locate them.


Consensus:  To approve Tribal Member #3319’s vehicle use request.


Consensus:  To approve Tribal Member #2231’s request for assistance to have Barbara Norman work with them on paperwork for a court case.  Should the assistance become too involved, it can come back for further consideration.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve procurement in the amount of $4,066 from Medical Arts Press for Medical Records Shelving.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin arrived at 8:57 PM.


Roy Arwood moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the loan request for $1,000 to Tribal Member #1878 to be repaid at $150/pay period.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Robert Goodwin).


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve MOU 07-M-005 with IHS.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  To have the Maintenance Department obtain quotes to address the plumbing/septic issues with the showers/bathrooms in the multi-purpose room.


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve travel for Florrine Super to Sacramento; June 29-July 1, 2007 for the CRIHB Meeting.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood).


Consensus:  ICWA Protocol for Resolution Approvals.  Following ICWA Meetings there will be phone votes on recommended Resolutions of the Tribal Council so that they can be signed at that time.


Consensus:  To obtain the Seller’s Permit for Fair Booth for CASA.  There is no cost.


Consensus:  DNR needs to make every effort toward ensuring fairness in the process for calling cultural monitors to work on projects with all other issues taken into consideration as well.


Next Meeting Date:  July 26, 2007 at 5 PM in Orleans, California.


Meeting adjourned at 10:11 PM.


Recording Secretary, Sara Spence