Karuk Tribe of California

Council Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2006

Happy Camp, California




The meeting was called to order at 5:06 PM by Arch Super, Chairman.


Roll Call


Arch Super, Chairman

Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer – late – 5:08 PM

Roy Arwood, Member – late – 5:08 PM

Florence Conrad, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member – late – 5:13 PM

Alvis Johnson, Member


Quorum is established.


The preamble to the Constitution was read aloud by Florence Conrad, Member.


Roy Arwood and Leeon Hillman arrived at 5:08 PM.


Approval of the Agenda for September 28, 2006


Leaf Hillman moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve the Agenda with changes.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1)  Approval of the Minutes for August 24, 2006

They would like to check with Hector regarding the information on the Wilderness Bill he mentioned at the last meeting.


Florrine Super moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the minutes for August 24, 2006.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2)  Tanya Busby

She wanted to personally thank them for their assistance recently.


3)  Old Business

None at this time.


Robert Goodwin arrived at 5:13 PM.


4)  Hector Garcia, Self Governance

Not present, written report only.  Roy asked about the Land Use Plan that is mentioned in Carrie’s report.  Leaf states it is in draft form and his understanding is the Council needs to do some re-prioritization to move that item back up to the forefront as there has been no movement recently.  Roy states that Carrie feels it would be beneficial to them to put properties into Trust.  Scott states there has been no discussion but there have been inquiries.  Scott states if they have their land use determined in a plan then it is clear what they intend to use it for.


Leaf also states that Roy and Hector should speak to Craig about a Resolution that is being presented to assist with dam removal efforts before he and Hector go to the meeting next week.  Hector is an individual member of NCAI but they do not have a full membership with voting rights at this time.  The fee is around $5,000 for an organization to join.


Leaf states that in Hector’s report it would be helpful since he has flagged several bills as significant to have a brief discussion of all of these in particular AB 1962 and some narrative as to why he feels they are significant and what the impact would be to the Tribe as soon as possible.  He can email it to them and follow up at a future meeting.


Leaf asked if the inter-tribal meetings have been scheduled that are references on page 5; Arch indicates they have not been set.  They would like follow up on this item as well.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Hector’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


5)  Jim Berry, KCDC

Not present, written report only.


Bob states they had their meeting the other night to discuss the RAC Grant and it seems to be an intentional omission on the part of the Forest Service that they want the Tribe to sign a document that the Tribe would provide NEPA for the project; however there is no funding identified for this purpose.  There appears to be some funding in the Grant that is available and they are requesting that the Forest Service earmark that for NEPA.  They are also aware that there will be a significant amount of materials removed from the Forest to complete this task and they have asked the Forest Service for estimates of the acreage requiring NEPA as well as the volume of timber required for this project that will impact the value of the building to be constructed through the Grant.  They have not been readily open to providing this information or discussing it.


The original intent was to purchase equipment to remove their own materials but now the Forest Service is hinting that they would have a Timer Sale to fund the labor, timber harvest, etc. for the project.  Florence states she thought they were doing a stewardship project with small diameter poles to construct the building.  Sandi feels it would be helpful for them to have what Don Hall states in the meetings in writing before they can agree to it and sign on to the project.


The RAC Grant only gets them to the point of seeking funding to build the building then there are all of these details to be worked out first.  If it does not work for the Tribe, they will not enter into the Agreement.


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Jim’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6)  Lisa Aubrey, LIAP

Lisa distributed her written report for review.  She has no action items at this time.  The new fiscal year starts next week.  She states anyone who has energy assistance needs to call her tomorrow before the year is over.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Lisa’s report.  8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7)  Scott Quinn, Land/Transportation

Scott was present to review his written report.  He has no action items at this time.  Bob asked if a date has been set up to meet and discuss the roads projects, they would like to have about two hours.


There was discussion regarding the Kate Coffee property due to surveying issues.  He must resolve these issues before the property can go into Trust and he is working on this.  He feels they should go ahead and purchase it although it has no legal right of access but they would have a right to prescriptive use through the Paradise Point Property if they will give them an easement.  If they will not agree to that, they will have to take legal action due to the fact they have been using this property.


Bob asked if Leaf saw the email regarding the Yreka property and if there was any discussion regarding this.  They would like to discuss this Wednesday.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Scott’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


8)  Sandi Tripp, DNR

Sandi was present to review her written report with them.  She distributed additional items for approval.


The first is Addendum #1 to Contract 06-C-023 with MKWC/KSMC in the amount of $1,000 to extend the dates of the original contract as the scope of the original project was increased, the additional funding will compensate for additional topics and length that were not originally included.


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Addendum #1 to Contract 06-C-023.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The next is Addendum #1 to Agreement 06-A-01 with USFS for the IRMP to extend the dates with no monetary change.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Addendum #1 to Agreement 06-A-01.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The last is approval of Contract 06-C-056 with Jeanette Quinn in the amount of $16,000 to coordinate the DNR FY2007 Environmental Education Program.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Contract 06-C-056.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She states she is researching the purchase of a color copier for the DNR Office and will bring that back when she has more information.


10-12-06 is the Project Meeting with the USFS to go over their MOU language.  The meeting will be held at the Happy Camp at the Forest Service beginning at 10 AM.  The USFS Summit Meeting is on 10-20-06 at 10:30 in Happy Camp, she will need lunch for 20 people at this meeting, and will work that out.


She requested a date for the DNR Mid-Month Meeting.  The week of October 16-20, 2006 Arch and Florrine will be gone.  Leaf suggests they have it following the Wednesday meeting on October 18, 2006 at 2 PM.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sandi’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


9)  Martha Schrock, EDHHS

Martha was present to distribute her written report.  She states she continues her orientation and meeting with her staff and the Clinics.


She has three action items.  The first is Contract 06-C-057 with Alice Brandon not to exceed $8,000.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Contract 06-C-057.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Her second action item is approval of an Interconnection Security Agreement between the Karuk Tribe of California and the Indian Health Service.  It is an agreement to participate in an IT Security Program with IHS and has been mandated by DHHS.  It identifies the organization that connects to the IHS network.  It has been assigned 06-A-021.  There is no cost associated.


Leaf Hillman moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Agreement 06-A-021.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Her next action item is for discussion purposes regarding the Scope of Services of the IT Department as it relates to other Tribal entities.  She put together several talking points and included them. She inquired if it is their desire that this department include oversight of all entities for IT.  She wants to know what the role is to ensure the needs are being met.  Her question is do they want centralized management, consistent policies, standardized equipment and software, email systems, servers, telephone systems, etc.


Leaf would like to see the Management Team look at this issue, particularly from the other entities especially without compatible systems and how they feel. What the advantages and disadvantages would be and then it could come back to the Council.  Laura states a portion of the discussion has to do with funding regarding what Chris can and cannot do.


She included reports from the two Social Workers for their information and a letter from DHHS indicating that the Senior Nutrition Inspection identified no critical deficiencies.  Leaf asked about the non-critical items listed, Martha states Babbie will be developing a response to the letter to address these items.


Bob would like to have the Social Workers format their reports the same so they are consistent.


Roy asked if she has been communicating with CRIHB or Turtle Health staff.  She states she will be meeting the CRIHB staff at the next meeting and Roy states he can introduce her to the Turtle Health Staff as well.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Martha’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


10)  Susan Gehr/Phil Albers, Language

Susan was present to review her written report.  Her report included two items for their consideration.


The first is approval of procurement to purchase a Mac Pro, which was completed via phone vote on Monday.


The second is a request for an Honorary Tribal Membership for William Bright.  She states he has been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer.  His contributions to the Tribe have been priceless during the past 56 years ago.  The Language Committee feels this would be a wonderful gesture of thanks to him.  He would have no membership benefits but it would recognize his contributions to the Tribe.  Leaf spoke in support of this and states Bill has spent many years with the People and has been a beneficial part of their community in many ways.  He feels this would be appropriate and meaningful based on the circumstances.


Dion suggests a story and photo display in the People’s Center for visitors to see and enjoy and know about his contributions.  They agree this would be a wonderful thing.


Leaf states the Enrollment Department can design an honorary membership card to be mounted on a plaque that tells the story of why he is the first to receive an Honorary Membership to the Karuk Tribe.  This would be confirmed by Council Resolution 06-R-117 and he will be issued Roll # H0001.


Leaf Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Resolution 06-R-117.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to authorize up to $500 for the plaque from discretionary.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Also included in her report is a letter from the Language Committee regarding lack of funding to support community language classes in Orleans and Yreka.  The Language Program will look for grant funding for this purpose but the Committee has requested that the Council fund this until a source can be identified.  The cost for three months would be $5,400.  They would like her to put together a detailed proposal and bring it Wednesday.

Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Susan’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11)  Rick Hill/Hester Miller, Grant Writers

Written report only, not present.


The Council would like an update from Scott Quinn regarding the Transportation Planning Grant they received from CalTrans.


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Scott’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12)  Dion Wood, TERO

Dion distributed his written report and has action items for Closed Session.


He has not received the Childcare Program grant award letter as of yet, but he has received word that they will be funded.  Several families are requesting special consideration for eligibility for this much needed program.  He has been reviewing these.  He has been working with ICW and Social Services to collaborate with Foster Care home visits for Childcare to avoid duplication.  The Child Care Bureau is going through some restructuring and they are wanting to transfer the Tribal programs to another department so the Tribal Childcare Programs are standing up for the Tribes in this arena.


He states he attended the Junction School Board meeting yesterday and the Board seems open to the Tribe working with them on this project and pursuing TERO fees on this project which will total about $20,000.  He would also like to speak to Stephanie Dolan and National TERO about this as previously suggested by the Council.  There are also new after-school programs that would occupy the children through 6 PM each day that are exciting that his department and Education may be able to partner with them on.


He states the Tribal CCC are willing to come and do some jobs in this area and he has spoke to several entities regarding possible projects for them.  He will be submitting a work site proposal in the coming months to attempt to negotiate getting them to do some work for them.  Babbie would also be willing to work on providing them lunch and allowing them to camp in the gymnasium.  There was a suggestion to see if they can work on the wiring at the Brush Dance Pit downriver if possible.


He states the TERO Commission will be meeting on October 25, 2006 at 9 AM in the People’s Center to review the TERO Ordinance and prioritize services.  It will be an all day meeting.  It will be a working session for the Commission and they will bring a draft back to the Council.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Dion’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13)  Jennifer Goodwin, Education

Jennifer was present to review her written report with the Council.


She would like to send out some support letters and requested their review and approval of them.  One will be submitted in support of the efforts of the Klamath-Trinity School District Indian Education Resource Center to create a Cyber Lab for the Native Languages.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve the letter of support for the Native Language Cyber Lab.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The second is a reference letter for a Tribal Member to the California Highway Patrol.  It is not clear what she is utilizing the letter for.  Dion thought she was applying for employment with the Highway Patrol.  Jennifer will follow up with her to confirm for certain what it is for and bring it back on Wednesday.


She also would like to discuss the Siskiyou After-school for Everyone (SAFE) Program which is the after-school program for all schools in Siskiyou County.  There are 30 schools that are eligible to participate.  There will be a meeting on Tuesday 10/3 with the County Office of Education to obtain additional information both in Yreka and at the Computer Center through tele-conferencing.  They are interested in an MOU with the Tribe as 33% of the total funding must be in-kind and they want to know what the Tribe currently provides to identify them as in-kind.  She was interested to know if the Council is interested in having a guest presenter regarding this at the Wednesday Meeting.  Dion suggests having him go to the Education Committee and then bring recommendations back to the Council.


She was going to request approval of the Education Policies and Procedures but they are not ready as of yet.


Leeon Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Jennifer’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14)  Erin Hillman, Administrative Programs & Compliance

Erin was present to review her written report with the Council.  She distributed a draft Grievance Procedure for the Low Income Assistance Program to fit their needs for this department.  The Committee has not reviewed the document yet.


She states they have received a letter requesting additional information for the HUD ICDBG as well as a letter with a Pre-Award Condition which is a very good sign that they may be funded. She has been told that they should hear in two to three weeks what the results are.


They received bids from Timberworks and Adroit for the Yreka Community Building to be constructed.  Both of the bids are over budget and so they are working with the Architect to see if they can get it to a reasonable amount.  She has been working with Steve Mitchell who has been wonderful.


Erin states that she and Alvis have located all of the items to be returned to the State from the People’s Center and the last item will be taken back by Roy Arwood.


She states the Basketweaver’s Gathering will be October 6-8, 2006 beginning Friday afternoon.  Jennifer will be leading the activities as Erin will be in Tennessee that weekend.  Janey Goodwin, Jennifer Jones, Cecilia Arwood, and Edward Peters are all helping.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the LIAP Grievance Procedures pending LIAP Committee review.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood).


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Erin’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15)  Sami Difuntorum, KTHA

Sami was present to review her written report with the Council.


She requested a date to meet with the Council and Keith Taylor to work on details of the MOU with the Sheriff’s Department for the Training Program they have been working on.  The week of October 9, 2006 is preferred.  October 9, 2006 at 10 AM in the Council Chambers was set.


She states they are working on a couple of new home loans.  They continue to work on the Home Grant Program projects as well.  The Resident Services Center Rehabilitation continues and should be completed by mid-November.  They have awarded a contract to JMB Architecture of Willow Creek for the Shivshaneen property master plan development.  A survey has been developed for an assisted living complex to be approved.


Arch asked if they will be reintroducing the Resident Services Coordinator Program to Housing, especially if this building will be called the Resident Services Center.  She states that is something that is mentioned often when the Council and Housing Committee meets but she has not received direction to do that as of yet.


She also updated them on their current construction projects/activities.  She also gave an overview of the Funding Task Force Meetings she has been attending and the lack of forward movement on that Task Force to seek a solution.


Sami states that the Housing Authority is currently seeking proposals for IT Services to support the Housing Authority and their needs.  Arch asked if they can fund an employee.  Sami does not feel there is a need for a full time person, and they do not have funding for that.


Arch requested a Waiting List report and the progress on the changes that were directed to be implemented.  Leaf states they are implementing them and working with the new system.  There are a couple of bugs that they knew they would be faced with and they are working through those as they come.  She reviewed what the new process for offering units is and that they started this last month.  Arch asked about a report to know how it is working.  Leaf states he can review the file if he is interested; it is available in the Waiting List Technician Office.  They are issuing the offers at the next Housing Committee Meeting after the unit becomes vacant due to logistics of gathering the group together.  Sami states every time they make a change in the process it brings about different issues in other areas, and that is what they are addressing now.


Bob states from what he observed this new process better protects the staff from being second-guessed on offers.  The Council Members and the Housing Committee will be questioned rather than the staff.  It is no more or less fair but gives the Council a direct connection and insight into the process and he feels it is a step in the right direction although it will take time to work out all the kinks in the process.  They can easily answer questions from members when they feel they have been bypassed on the list with a black and white explanation.


Florrine asked about the challenge for Descendents and she feels that if they want to count those Descendents in their Housing Numbers, they should receive a higher ranking on the Waiting List.  Sami states that is still in process and they have not been approved to receive funding for Descendents as of yet.


Roy Arwood moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sami’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16)  Laura Mayton, CFO

Laura was present to request approval of two action items although she does not have a written report.


The first is Contract 06-C-055 with Audit Head to audit their telephone services.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Contract 06-C-055.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The second is a report that Suzanna Hardenburger prepared that are old debts that are completely unrecoverable.  She is requesting to write them off in the total amount of $212.105.47.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve writing off the bad debt in the amount of $212,105.47.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Laura’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17)  April Attebury, Tribal Court

April was present to review her written report.  She had anticipated having two contracts for the Chief Judge and Associate Judge; however, she needs to discuss these in closed session with them.  She gave them an update on her recent activities as well. 


There was discussion regarding CILS and their interactions with them.  Leaf states that he never had truly understood the process and they never had any troubles until recently.  April states since Stephanie Dolan left, they now have a new Directing Attorney and Director and that may be causing the miscommunications they have had recently with billing issues.  She has requested a meeting to come to an understanding with them on what is allowable and what is not.

She states on October 13, 2006 they will be hosting the Northern California Tribal Courts Coalition Meeting in Yreka with all of the Tribal Courts in Northern California.  It starts at 12 PM at the Tribal Courthouse.


She states that the Quarterly Planning Meeting for the Judge will be October 12, 2006 at 3 PM in Yreka at the Tribal Courthouse.  She hopes that will work.  Florrine states there is a Health Board Meeting that night so she would rather have it in Happy Camp.  April states she will move the meeting to Happy Camp.


Phil states there is also a Language Restoration Committee Meeting on October 12, 2006 at 12 PM at the People’s Center.


April states that Barbara Norman has requested an amendment to the Children’s Code to add a new section for Emancipation.  They can think about this and if they have further questions they can ask Barbara Norman.  The Judge does not feel they need to add a new section to the Code, he can write the emancipation into the Court Orders.  Judge Henry feels they do need to add it due to the fact that the other Courts need to see how they came to their decision.  Now it is up to the Council to decide.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve April’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


18)  Chris Kleeman, IT

Chris was present to verbally report to the Council as he did not submit a written report.


Chris has a request for him to attend the Electronic Health Record Training in Warm Springs, Oregon.  Arch states that does not require Council approval as it is within 400 driving miles of Happy Camp.


He states the transfer switch was started for the generator in the server room but it was not being installed properly so he has worked with them on fixing this.


The KCDC phone system was ruined in the lightning storm and he has them temporarily operating until the new system arrives that he has ordered.  Several other sites have lost equipment due to telephone line surges and he has ordered and is installing surge protectors on the telephone lines.  The claim is filed with the insurance company and then they battle with the power company.  Also, some of the surge protectors have warranties.


He states they are expanding wireless to prepare for electronic health record.


He has been working with IHS to obtain equipment that speaks to their system through the teleconferencing system.


He has made some changes at the Happy Camp Clinic.


He has a lot to discuss regarding the Finance Server.  He spoke to the tech support at Harris today that runs the Finance Software.  They had issues mostly because they are east coast based for calling in troubles.  He has been able to work with them to add pacific time support hours which doubles the amount of support they receive.  This should help with Payroll issues.  They are also going to test their updates on another office site before they issue updates to avoid the updates causing more problems than good to the software.  They have guaranteed him they are fixing these problems as well as addressing the multi-report problems they have.


He has been announcing they are out of compliance on their Microsoft Office Licensing and finally has a dollar amount from them to address this.  If they want to license all 300 computers they own properly, the Enterprise agreement is $130,000 for three years.  This will be necessary if they want to upgrade any software in the next three years, they will have to license them as they are.


The Tribe has been purchasing OEM licensing of software which does not authorize them to put that software on other machines.  Another example is when the computers are connected together; there are licensing pieces that play into that.  Laura states she wants all of the details and options before they make a decision on a purchase of that amount.  He states they do not have to decide on this right now but need to be doing planning and research into this to address this.


Arch states that when there is an amount that large the information needs to be gathered and put together.  Chris states that they should be prepared to deal with it in the next twelve months.


He states the Blue Shield Grant has been spent out and he will be submitting a report to Erin on that.


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Chris’ report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


19)  Davey Davis, Maintenance

Not present, written report only.  Florence asked about the Orleans repairs and why they have not been fully repaired yet.  Laura states there is no reason to wait for the insurance money to repair this.  Arch will speak to Fred regarding this.


Roy Arwood moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Davey’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


20)  Fred Burcell, Construction

Not present, written report only.


Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Davey’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


21)  Craig Tucker, Klamath River Coordinator

Not present, written report only.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Craig’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


22)  Pikship Fighters Request

Phil was present to review his written request with the Council regarding the Pikship Fighters.  They are in need of some training equipment to support their team that currently trains in Orleans.  They also need a secure location to train and have information available to work toward fundraising.  Roy feels they can pursue looking for a location for them to train.  Phil also has a listing of equipment he is interested in obtaining assistance with.  Arch suggests he pursue the Booster Club also for assistance.  He also suggests having an Indian Taco Sale, Bingo, etc. to raise funds.  They would like to see prices for items and they will think about a possible location.


23)  Phone Votes

a)  Request for $1,000 from discretionary to cover insurance deductible toward employee auto accident. Passed.

b)  Request for approval of Resolution 06-R-107 to submit a proposal in support of the HC Community Senior Center to the Shasta Regional Foundation in the amount of $10,000.  Passed.

c)  Request for approval to pay $700 from discretionary to cover damages to Enterprise Rental for Jump Dance Rental.  Passed.

d)  Request for approval to increase previous approved loan to Tribal Member #1852.  Passed.

e)  Request for approval to send Florrine Super to Prior Lake, MN on September 19, 2006.  Daniel Pratt will attend as well.  Passed.

f)  Request for approval of Resolution 06-R-102 authorizing submission of the Hazard Mitigation Plan to FEMA to support hazard mitigation planning and 2005 storm repairs.  Passed.


24)  Informational Items

The NCIDC Meeting Minutes for July 8, 2006 were included in the packets for their review.


25)  Committee Reports

Michael Thom:  He was present to address the Council to update them on the Election Committee’s progress on the upcoming Election.  He has assumed his role as the Acting Chairperson.  They will be meeting to put together the timeline for the Special Election to fill the current vacancy in October.  October 23, 2006 is their final meeting to distribute items for this Election.  He thanked them for appointing him again.  All of the candidates have been verified so that they can begin campaigning and they will be notified.


The Constitutional Amendment should be addressed during the Special Election as well.  The Council will need to forward their formal request to the Committee to request that if they are interested.


Closed Session from 9:51 PM to 12:46 AM


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Resolution 06-R-110 enrolling eight members.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve out of state travel to Las Vegas, Nevada December 4-6, 2006 for Dolores Voyles and Marsha Jackson.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  To allow Sandi to contact Stephanie Dolan regarding the possible closing of the post office in Somes Bar.


Consensus:  Florence Conrad and Sandi Tripp will attend the CalTrans Meeting on Monday in Orleans to discuss appropriate signs to be placed on Tribal Land.


Consensus:  For Florrine Super to write a letter to the Editor of the Siskiyou Daily News thanking sponsors that support ICWA.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to purchase 5,000 Tribal Flag postcards in the amount of $400 for sale in the People’s Center Gift Shop.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  Tribal Member #1119 will work with staff to determine what his options are for home repairs and gather quotes so the Council knows the amount of assistance being requested before action will be taken.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Contract 06-C-058 with Charles Henry as the Chief Judge.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  Stephanie Dolan will draft a letter to Judge Flies-Away regarding the status of his Contract.


Consensus:  There needs to be a policy statement that reflects the intent of the Children’s Court Code so that all who use the code can work together to fulfill the intent of the code anytime there is a gray area or an area open to interpretation.  They want to all available Tribal programs become are integrated into the Court and any agreements that are entered into with Counties.


Directive:  The Naa Vura Yee Shiip Program is to begin pursuing agreements to serve the residents of Orleans in Humboldt County.


Consensus:  To continue the Contract with Jon Grant to develop a TANF Program.


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve out of state travel to the Pacific Northwest Regional Quarterly Meeting in Bellingham, Washington, November 1-3, 2006 for Dave Nelson and Dion Wood.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve out of state travel to the Childcare Board Meeting in Oklahoma City, OK, November 7-9, 2006 for Dion Wood.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve out of state travel to the National Council for Tribal Employment Rights Legal Update in Las Vegas, NV, the first week of December for Cecilia Arwood, Alvis Johnson, Dolores Voyles, Dion Wood, and Hector Garcia.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  To forward the application for water system assistance through IHS to Tribal Member #2953 and then process it through Fred Burcell.


Consensus:  The Wednesday meeting will be changed to Thursday, October 5, 2006 in order to have a quorum.


Next Meeting Date:  October 26, 2006 at 5 PM in Yreka, California.


Florrine Super moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 12:47 AM.






Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary, Sara Spence