Karuk Tribe of California

Health Board Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2005

Happy Camp, California




The meeting was called to order at 5:10 PM by Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman.


Roll Call

Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member

Alvis Johnson, Member



Arch Super, Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Robert Grant, Member


Quorum is established.


Leaf Hillman said an opening prayer before starting the meeting.


Approval of the Agenda for April 14, 2005


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Agenda for April 14, 2005.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1)  Approval of the Minutes for March 10, 2005


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve the Minutes for March 10, 2005.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2)  Irene Miranda

Not present.


3)  Mary Kelly

David Eisenberg was present via telephone regarding the details for the Patient Assistance Program application fees with Mary.  He states that everyone surveyed agrees to pay the $2 fee for their applications.  David and Mary have talked to Laura to develop a procedure for receiving these funds.  Mary also had proposed to develop an after-hours medication program for the Yreka Clinic with these funds and they have developed procedures for this.  They would like the Council to approve these items so they can move forward with implementation of the procedures.  The information regarding cash receipts needs to be included in the After Hours procedures also.


Robert Goodwin moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve the policies and procedures for the Patient Assistance Program.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


David also included four policies for their approval; 02-002-003 – Do Not Resuscitate Policy, 02-004-001 – Electric Safety and Maintenance, 02-004-010 – Personal Electric Devices, and 07-006-00 through 009 – Domestic Violence and Abuse.  These were all reviewed and approved by the ACQI Committee yesterday. 


They suggest an annual update of the DNR forms to make sure that people don’t change their minds and no longer want to have it on file.  Bob asked about clarification of intubation and if that should be included in the items on the DNR form.  Dr. Burns states the form specifies this does not apply to acute injuries, usually only chronically ill or elderly patients will have these on file.  They can set this policy aside and he will bring the actual DNR form to them at the next meeting with the policy so it is clearer.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve 02-004-001 – Electric Safety and Maintenance, 02-004-010 – Personal Electric Devices, and 07-006-00 through 009 – Domestic Violence and Abuse.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve David’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4)  Old Business

None at this time.


5)  Lessie Aubrey

Lessie was present to review her written report. 


She states that JCAHO is changing their fee scale to $1,690 per year and then $5,275 for the survey when they come as it will be an unannounced survey in the future.  She just wanted to let them know so they were aware when it came through the Finance Office.


She distributed the First Quarter GPRA analysis for their review.  It includes the indicators, the national average, California average, and the Karuk placement.  She also included charts showing this data.  She has indicated the areas that need improvement and will be working on those.  Some funding will be based on these scores so it is very important that they are good and accurate.  This is the first time that the numbers are based on their information and it is accurate rather than a number assigned to them by IHS.


She included 11 position descriptions for review and approval to put measurable terms and age specific competencies into them for JCAHO standards that must be met.  JCAHO wants to know that the individuals hired are competent to perform the duties of their jobs.  They are for the Yreka RN, Yreka LVN, Yreka Administrative Supervisor/Medical Records Supervisor, Yreka Medical Assistant, Yreka Receptionist, Yreka and Happy Camp RDAs (with one additional change), Yreka and Happy Camp Dental Receptionists, Happy Camp RN (with one additional change), Happy Camp Receptionist, Orleans RN, and Orleans Receptionist/Medical Records Clerk.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve the revisions to the position descriptions.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She included the Compliance Plan for their review and approval.  There were three slight wording changes and it was reviewed an approved by the Compliance Committee.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Compliance plan with changes.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She will put a properly dated form in their boxes and they can re-sign their Conflict of Interest Statements and then return them to her office or via Inter-office mail.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Lessie’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6)  Vickie Walden

Not present, written report submitted. 


Leeon Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Vickie’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7)  David Eisenberg

David’s report was already reviewed and approved under Mary Kelly’s guest section.


8)  Joe Snapp

Joe was present to review his written report.  Leeon apologized for missing the meeting with Joe.  It will need to be re-scheduled.


Joe would like permission from the Council to obligate $30,000 of the Cal Works Grant to the therapeutic gardening project that was presented by Jim Pindell at a previous meeting.  He has been assured he will receive $40,000 per year for two years and plans to hire a grant writer to write larger grants.  He would like the remaining Cal Works Grant dollars to be used for residential treatment and about $2,000 for drug/alcohol education materials.  This funding must be spent by June 30, 2005.  They would like a detailed budget of how the dollars will be spent for this type of project.  Laura suggests charging program expenses to these grant dollars and then paying for this project from the BIA budget to ensure the dollars are spent by the end of June.


He would like them to start thinking about identifying mutually agreeable individuals that can be considered spiritual to conduct sweats in traditional and conventional sweat lodges in Happy Camp, Yreka, and Orleans.


They would like to schedule a special meeting to discuss the gardening project in detail with the appropriate staff present such as Scott Quinn with a map of the property.  April 26, 2005 at 9:30 AM was set.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Joe’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


9)  Patti White

Patti has nothing to add to the written report.


Florence Conrad moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Patti’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


10)  Dr. Steven Burns

No open session report.


11)  Larry Jordan

Not present, on travel.


12)  Hector Garcia

Trista was present to report to them regarding the ANA Grant that is due on Tuesday.  The latest proposal is to write the grant for the Tribal Court for technology expansions.  If they approve of this concept it will move forward so that Erin and Laura can review the grant before it is submitted.  The match will come from the salaries of existing staff and equipment that was purchased for the Court.  It will be approved via phone vote on Monday.  They feel the concept is great and they should move forward.


13)  Sara Spence

She will speak to the Council in Closed session.


14)  Informational Items

None at this time.


15)  Committee Reports

None at this time.


Closed Session from 8:02 PM to 11:30 PM


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-47 for ICW Docket Number 2005-DR-17-122.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve that Tribal Members over the age of 60, living outside of the service area, obtaining their prescriptions from Karuk Tribal providers, and visiting the Karuk Tribal clinics will not be charged a mailing fee to receive their medications from the Karuk Tribal Pharmacy.  Motion died.  This topic will be forwarded to Larry and he can present his opinion before a change is made.


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to uphold the denial and pay $1,428 for Case #139.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to uphold the denial and pay $337.50 for Case #140.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Directive:  For Larry, Dr. Burns, and Laura and other pertinent staff to work on the Billing Office Report that was submitted and review the report and come back to them with recommendations on how they should move forward with implementing the solutions identified to fix the problems.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve credentialing and priviledging of Dr. Michael Willett.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  The Billing Workgroup needs to also discuss the restructuring/reorganizing of the Yreka Clinic. 


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to uphold the denial and pay $450 for Case #141.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. 


Consensus:  To refer the payment issue to the Housing Committee.  Contractor was requested to put together a detail of events and description of work completed, including change orders.  Leaf will attempt to facilitate a Housing meeting to resolve these issues.


Alvis Johnson moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Contract 05-C-044 with Leo Carpenter, Jr. to work at the People’s Center.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to appoint Verna Reece to the People’s Center Advisory Committee.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve out of state travel for Dorothy Beck from the TERO budget to Las Vegas, Nevada, May 23-25, 2005.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  Request regarding CASA Committee will be tabled to the Wednesday meeting for clarification. 


Consensus:  To defer Arch’s memo to the Wednesday meeting for further discussion.


Consensus:  To approve travel for Hector Garcia and Arch Super to San Diego, California.  Hector Garcia will stay overnight and then is approved to travel to Florida, and then to Las Vegas, Nevada.  Arch will not attend the Florida and Las Vegas meetings.


Leeon Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve donation of 2 shirts, 2 cups, and 2 hats for the Robert Grant Sr. fundraiser.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Directive:  For Jamie Orge to follow up on the payment to Jackson and Kelley in the amount of $10,000.


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-49 authorizing joint prosecution and co-counsel lawsuit against the California Department of Fish and Game.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Next Meeting Date:  May 12, 2005 at 5 PM in Happy Camp.


Meeting adjourned at 11:35 PM.






Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman


Recording Secretary,

Sara Spence