Karuk Tribe of California

Council Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2004

Yreka, California




The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM by Arch Super, Chairman.


Roll Call


Arch Super, Chairman

Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member – 5:05 PM



Karen Derry, Member


Quorum is established.


The preamble of the Constitution was read aloud.  Arch explained that at a recent training they were told it would be a good idea to always read this aloud for every meeting.  He also hopes to learn the preamble in Karuk so that it can be read in the Language.


Approval of the Agenda for April 22, 2004


Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the Agenda for April 22, 2004.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1.         Approval of the Minutes for February 26, 2004, March 3, 2004, and March 9, 2004

The minutes for March 25, 2004 will be completed by the next meeting but are not included tonight.  The February 26, 2004 minutes also need to be changed because they were in Orleans not Happy Camp.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Minutes for February 26, 2004, March 3, 2004, and March 9, 2004.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.         Connie Reitman

Not present.


3.         Troy Hockaday

Troy was present to state that his children live in Yreka and there is a traffic problem with people speeding in the Yreka Housing.  He states there needs to be speed bumps put in to help with this problem.  He has spoke to Richard Scott about this.  He would also like to see another street light put in at the corner near the building to help with lighting.  He states complaints are turned in all the time but nothing is done and the Tribe will be liable when someone gets hurt.


He also wanted to discuss the current construction on the roads.  He states Richard was given a notice to open the gates based on BIA regulations but he wants to know how they keep the equipment safe.  He states they can keep it closed as long as it is under construction if they talk to the BIA about it.  Erin states they can provide security around the site they are doing construction, not close off the entire road as it is a public road.  Erin states that they cannot prevent access for the public when they are not constructing and that is why they asked for it to be opened.  They cannot keep it closed due to security issues, but can keep it closed for construction.


Erin states the BIA won’t pay for speed bumps but will pay for speed humps if they are built according to their specifications.  Erin states the KSWA also provided an estimate for speed bumps but it would have to be paid for from somewhere else.


There was a question regarding purchasing park benches for the parents that choose to supervise their children at the playground.  Philip Albers states that they are working on that right now.


4.         Mary Ann Munson

Mary was present to introduce herself as the college options advisor for the local high schools.  Her job is to come into the high school and support what is already being done by Jennifer, the schools, the parents, etc. to see that the children are moving on to college and pursuing their educations.  She is currently in Happy Camp, Yreka, and Etna one day each week at each school.  She states she has been attending the Indian Club meetings in Happy Camp and finds them very interesting.  She let them know where her funding comes from so that they know what she is doing.  Anyone that wants to talk to her can contact Jennifer for her number.


5.         Patricia Hobbs

Patrica was present to ask if the Council would like to co-sponsor a training in Yreka in June.  They went to a recent training that was sponsored by Shasta County and given by Joseph Stone, PhD.  It was on post-colonial stress disorder and trauma of Native Americans.  He will come on June 7, 2004.  They don’t need a financial contribution they just want the Tribe’s support of the training and bringing him to the area.  They would also like to get the local agencies involved so they can come and listen to him.  The training will be held at the Miner’s Inn Convention Center from 9 to 4.  She states that they could accommodate 50-100 people.  They are contacting the Tribes first because they want them involved.  Their goal is to increase awareness of the historical traumas that Native Americans have encountered.  She would like them to encourage their staff to attend if possible.  They would like to put on the flyer that the Tribe supports this training, if they approve.  They have also approached Shasta and Quartz Valley to request their support.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to provide a letter of support for the presentation.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Sara will type the letter for them.


6.         Old Business

Florrine states that they haven’t responded to Beca about the Salmon Dinner.  Sara states she understands the canoe competition has been canceled.


Florrine states the tree for Ted Beck was taken care of.


Florrine states that they have not issued a decision about whether or not they will support West Rim Picture’s completion of the documentary “War on the Croy’s”.  Arch states he has information about what they plan on doing.  Florrine states she can provide information to others as well so that they can visit their website.  They need to decide as soon as possible.


She asked Leaf if there was a decision about the property near the Ranch.  Carrie states it is already in the process and it should be in their packets.  Leaf states they have opened a 30 day escrow account and the time has already started.


She states there were Tribal Members that came to them about a Housing issue and Arch was supposed to respond and it was done.  She states Florence was supposed to find out about water testing, which she did.  Arch has sent out a letter to evict the tenants on the property downriver and the final date should be near.  Sara sent an email out to all employees stating that Florrine was coming on staff.  Arch was supposed to get a price for a monitor stove and Sara completed that as well.


7.         Sandi Tripp

Sandi was present to review her report with them and assured them that she has ordered a new fax machine and it is coming.


She distributed to them a portion of their response to the Federal Energy Regulation Commission regarding their cultural and biological comments regarding the FERC Re-Licensing of the Dam.  She states that currently PacifiCorp is not considering any effects of their dam on the people and fish downriver from the dam.  They are going to request additional studies and make their comments known to PacifiCorp, they must send these out on Monday electronically to FERC, she states if anyone has comments or changes, she would like them as she will be working on this all weekend to have it completed for the Management Team Meeting on Monday morning at 8:30 in Orleans.  She states the Council is always welcome and they meet each week, if there is a holiday they meet on Tuesday.  She states it can be emailed as well so the Council has it.  She states Jim Henderson is working hard on this and will be putting it together to get it out with all the necessary comments.


She requested approval to purchase 25 temperature loggers from Onset Computer Corporation in the amount of $2,989.25.  She states that Arch and Erin signed this today as they were unavailable before the packets were done.  The funding will come from Salmon Recovery dollars. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to purchase 25 temperature loggers from Onset Computer Corporation in the amount of $2,989.25.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Bob asked about the FERC paperwork and whether or not it is complete and numbered correctly.  Sandi states they will be reviewing and revising this to make sure everything is included.  Bob states he does not see where Fish Passage is clearly discussed.  Sandi states she will check on it.


Her last action item was approval of a consultant contract.  Erin states she has reviewed it but Arch has not had a chance to review it since it was sent up today.  It is not ready for approval tonight.  Sandi states there will be another Contract with a Biologist in Portland, Oregon that she will be working on for approval as well.  She states his input will be important for the FERC submission.  She states it will be a sole-source and it will be approved with the other Contract.  The phone vote can be done tomorrow.


She requested a Mid-Month Meeting with the Council.  May 11, 2004 at 1:00 PM in Happy Camp was set.


Florence states they should stop and see the DNR and Fisheries Offices on May 13, 2004 when they go down for the Grand Opening of the Panamnik Center.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Sandi’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


8.         Jennifer Goodwin

Jennifer was present to review her written report.  She introduced herself to everyone present as they might not know who she is.  She explained what she does for the Tribe which is Higher Education and Tutoring.  She states the deadline for applications this year is July 15, 2004 to obtain education assistance.  She states there is also a Student Rent Voucher program with the same deadline.  She states there are slots available to Housing Residents to assist with their Housing expenses, there are also slots for Tribal Members that don’t live in Housing.  Bob states there are also provisions for students that go to school part time and work.  She states she is still working on establishing the Education Committee.  Florence asked if Jennifer has thought about having a young person on her Committee.  Jennifer states that is a good idea and she is open to that.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Jennifer’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


9.         Fred Nahwooksy

Written report only, not present.  Bob reminded everyone that there is a Karuk Basket Weavers Gathering this weekend in Happy Camp on Saturday and Sunday.  Registration starts Friday at 3:00 PM at the People’s Center.

In his written report he requested approval to start seeking letters of intent for the Museum Advisory Committee with the recommended changes.  They also removed a sentence that states the Committee members will serve at the pleasure of the Karuk Tribal Council. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Request for Letters of Intent.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Fred’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Closed Session from 6:06 PM to 6:30 PM


Leeon Hillman moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve the removal of Tribal Member #1323 by Resolution 04-R-028.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-029.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-030.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Directive:  For Laura Mayton to follow up on worker’s compensation case and find out what their decision was based on.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to appoint Joyce Jones (Yreka Representative) and Cecilla Arwood (Happy Camp Representative) to sit on the Education Committee.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood).




10.       Hector Garcia

Hector introduced himself to the group and explained what he does for the Tribe.  He states that the highlight of this year is that the Tribe passed their Trust Audit with flying colors.  He states they have used this to start working in Washington, DC to help the Tribe gain more power to do work themselves, this results in the Tribe asking for more money in their Compact.


He states that at the meeting in Las Vegas there was a decision to send Salt River and Rocky Boise to Washington to lobby for appropriations to be given to the Tribe.  They are waiting to hear back what the outcome of that will be.  He states right now they are asking for an additional $40,000 to be appropriated to the Tribe.  He is waiting to hear from Danny on the status of that but won’t see him until the conference in Florida.


He states right now they are working on making contacts with governing officials that can have an impact on the Tribe.  He is trying to get the State Senators and Assemblymen to come to the Tribe and visit with them.  Right now he obtains information from CRIHB on these issues but would like to have direct contact with other Tribal groups to obtain information directly.


He states there is current legislation that would directly impact the Tribe but that they have provided no input on so he wants to get that together and work on that.  He states it has been suggested that he put together a packet to be able to make some appointments in Washington to do some networking.


He states he has additional information regarding the Karuk vs. United States case if they are interested in reading it and is sorry he did not make it to the dinner last week.


He states he was at the Roads meeting yesterday and met the Cal Trans liaison that informed him that he can make some contacts to have input into construction of any roads in the local area.  He states that when they have input, they can obtain additional dollars, and also have more influence into what is done.  Bob asked about the current digging that is going on in the Happy Camp area and the fact that there are no Tribal Members working on that project.  Erin states that they are supposed to consult with the Tribe before they do any of that type of work but to her knowledge no one even knows what they are doing or were even contacted.  She states Hector needs to take these steps to obtain MOUs and MOAs to require them to consult with the Tribe and have a monitor on the project.  To Bob’s knowledge they already have that type of agreement and they need to contact Cal Trans to see why no one called them.


Hector states that he cannot speak to previous agreements that were entered into but he does have ideas for language that needs to be included to protect the Tribe and provide them additional power and oversight in their agreements.


He has plans to start attending the City Council meetings and the Board of Supervisors meetings to have open lines of communication so that when the time comes they have a cooperative relationship to help benefit everyone in future projects.


He states he is concerned with the Tribe’s current recordkeeping policy that is outdated, he would like to evaluate it and update it for review and approval as it was the only area that had any comments during the Trust Audit.


He state he recently was contact by the Committee for Citizen’s Awareness, they requested a representative from the Tribe to sponsor a video on various topics.  They would appear with Wally Herger and announce a portion of the video.  It would be distributed to local schools.  It would require a two year, $3,500 commitment from the Tribe so he wanted to let them know about that.  They have contacted other Tribes and will basically take whoever calls with the money first.

He states the Cabazon Tribe is giving away a fire truck and he has contacted them to try and get it but cannot get anyone to return his call.  He states if anyone gets a phone call about a fire truck, he wants them to call him so he can get it.


He states that he has some issues with the current Contract for Consultant Services and he has gone over it and feels that it is deficient in many ways.  He states that even though the Contract identifies them as an Independent Contractor, they also refer to them as an employee.  He states that the Governing Law section should also reference the Tribal Court and Karuk Law rather than State and Federal Law.  He states that there are also deficiencies in the Termination language that are contradictory.  They request he email it to them and Leaf states he needs to take it to the Management Team for review and comment.


Hector states that he also wanted to point out to the Council that he and Scott really depend on Carrie and her work that she does for them.  He states that he feels worried about her being taken away 4 hours each day.  Arch states it will be discussed in Closed Session and he can stay and talk about it with them at that time.


Leeon Hillman moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Hector’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11.       Trista Parry

Not present, written report only. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Trista’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12.       Erin Hillman

Erin was present to review her written report and distributed an addition to update them on her attendance at the roads meeting she attended this week in Redding.  She states they met with BIA representatives from Sacramento and Redding and obtained information on how it all works.  She states the most recent Transportation Plan for the Tribe is from 1997 and they are working on updating it.  With their recently completed Roads Inventory, they can complete it thoroughly with help from everyone involved.  She also presented them with the Criteria for establishing a road priority and the steps to be taken to complete construction of a road to give them an idea of how involved it is.


They were only able to place roads from their 1997 plan on the list of projects which are reconstruction of Campbell Avenue, overlay of China Grade Road, construction of E Nok Impah, and reconstruction of Panamnik Street.


He states they have been lucky to obtain dollars two years in a road to get BIA construction dollars due to David Arwood’s persistence and dedication.  There were nine other Tribes they were able to get ahead of that have many roads they need.  They are planning to get the smaller projects completed and then do some planning for the larger projects. They will ask for funding for these roads right now.  If the Tribe identifies new roads they want even if they are proposed, they can get them on the list to start the process.


The Council requested that she email that information to them and put copies in their boxes of the non-electronic data.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Erin’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



13.       Susan Gehr

Susan was present to review her written report.  She had four action items for their approval.


She states Phil Albers, Jr.’s class through Southern Oregon University was approved to be a three unit class, June 21-July 18, 2004.  He has to have ten people enrolled to make it happen and it does cost over a hundred dollars per unit so it may be hard for people to pay the tuition for that class.  For this reason, they will have members come to them for assistance.  Dion has told them to submit their requests to the Council as soon as possible.


Her first action item is a $5,000 grant to NCIDC for the 2004 Mini-Grant program to document fluent speakers telling stories about their lives and support a Master Speaker to support the Yreka Language Class.  Resolution 04-R-26 has been assigned to the grant. 


Roy Arwood moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve the submission of the 2004 Mini-Grant to NCIDC for $5,000.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She also requested approval of an Addendum to Contract 03-C-041 with Violet Super in the amount of $4,000 to continue her objectives for the Language Grant.  Jim Ferrara’s Addendum is to Contract 03-C-043 in the amount of $12,678. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the Addendums to Contracts 03-C-041 and 03-C-043.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She also requested approval of Contract 04-C-45 with Julian Lang/Institute of Native Knowledge/The Ink People in the amount of $3,299.  He will create a traditional songs CD and Head Start songs video that will be the property of the Tribe.  Julian plans to teach the kids the songs and then record them singing them. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Contract 04-C-045.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She asked if anyone wants the most recent dictionary emailed to them, they would all like it.  Roy asked about how he can obtain the alphabet poster that she references it in her report.  Susan will find out when they will be ready so that an order can be done.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Susan’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14.       Toni McLane

Toni was present to review her written report.  She asked if they had any questions on her report.  She attached her policy Council meeting minutes and teacher’s reports and information about her upcoming training they will attend.  No one had any questions.


She was going to request they set a date for a Childcare Planning Meeting to discuss that program in May.  There was a brief meeting yesterday and it is her understanding that has been put on the back burner and will be discussed in closed session.

She states that today she was approached by parents that need childcare for the summer months in Happy Camp.  They have requested that Head Start provide childcare in the Center through the summer months, there are 13 kids that have been identified.  They think that there would be up to 20 kids in the program.  They have an idea to do center-based care and charge the parents or get paid through the Tribe’s voucher program.  They could keep Donna Goodwin-Sanchez on to provide care.  Her Head Start Staff already keep their insurance through the Head Start program so it would only be funding for wages and the Staff is willing to do it.  She would like permission to prepare a budget and move forward with this as a pilot project to be able to do it in Yreka also.  She would like to meet on this in early May to see what the possibilities are.  Her overall goal is the have a dual program where the kids go from Head Start to childcare and stay at the same place all day with the same people.


The meeting was set for May 17, 2004 at 1:00 PM with Lunch.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Toni’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15.       Sami Difuntorum

Not present, written report only. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sami’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16.       Laura Mayton

Not present, written report only.


Arch states that Laura sent him a request from some employees regarding direct deposit for their paychecks.  Currently Housing has direct deposit but she does not know that she is comfortable with only having one signature/authorization to release the dollars.  That is the internal control issue and she is working on setting something up with Scott Valley Bank to have two authorizations.  Housing is doing it with the current system and they can decide either way but she does not want to make the decision, she wants the Council to make the decision.  They could set a restriction of not allowing more than a certain dollar limit to be released to keep some internal controls.  They would like to meet with her to personally discuss her concerns.


Leaf Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Laura’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17.       Tom Waddell

Tom was present to do a verbal report.  He states Laura is handling the Fiscal Audit and has been spending most of her time at KCDC, the audit has been scheduled for the first week of May.


Tom states that the hiring of a Fiscal Officer is an item that needs to be addressed for the CDC to move forward in their fiscal department.  It is even more critical now that Arleen Salmon has resigned her position and will be leaving tomorrow so they will need to fill that position too.


He states they are waiting until the audit is done to move forward on that and see what the recommendations are that come from that.


He states they are in the process of updating the Fiscal Policies and Procedures for CDC to bring them up to date.


He states the EDA Grant they have been waiting for is still pending from October 2003.  He has called and emailed them and not received a response so they keep looking for other funding to help them.  He states there is an immediate need for core staff funding for the CDC to keep things going and get to a point where they can start growing.


He states they are working on some other projects that might be available to get additional funding for the entity as well.


He states Dan has been working on restocking the Building Center and they have picked up a substantial amount of business.  They have also had a site visit from True Value Hardware to see about having the store run under them to help with being able to keep adequate stock in the store for the community to use.  He states they are also looking at ways to expand the Building Center such as putting in a lumber yard and other grants they could apply for to use for that business.


He states Karuk SWA is now a certified HUB Zone to give them some bid advantages on projects that they compete for.  They are also working on the 8(a) program for that entity as well.  He states there are new programs where contracts are set aside for Tribally owned businesses once they obtain that status.  With this status you can also negotiate contracts for projects.


Dwayne asked about the small diameter wood projects he mentioned and wanted to know how they would get it out of the woods.  Would they use a machine, saws, people, etc?  Tom states they usually harvest it on flat ground with tractors, small yarders, etc. to get it out.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Tom’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


18.       Rod Hartman

Not present, written report only.  Arch read Rod’s report aloud for the audience to let them know what is going on with the projects he is working on.  They were wondering when the work for the Elder’s homes will start.  Troy states they just spent money to put in roads and electricity and then they are going to put in more homes where there is no water, sewer, or roads.  Why don’t they put the houses in the places that already have all the utilities in place?  He feels it is a waste of dollars and it could be done faster than it will be done having to wait for roads and utilities.  Leaf states that the design engineering contractor that is working on the utilities for the Elders Community in Yreka and they should have design done by the next Housing Meeting on May 10, 2004 in Yreka if anyone wants to come and see what their plans are.  They can answer questions at that time regarding when it will be done and how it is going to work.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Rod’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


19.       Lisa Aubrey

Not present, written report only.  Arch asked if anyone has any questions on the programs that Lisa offers such as SWEEP, GA, and LIHEAP.  Roy explained what the programs provide to assist Tribal Members.  Elsa asked about a recent Council meeting when they discussed wood for the Elders and distributing the wood up at Housing.  Lisa had discussed getting a crew together to cut this wood and distribute it, but it seems to have never happened.  Leaf states that currently independent contractor’s contract with her program to provide wood to people.  Elsa states that the Housing Maintenance workers were working on it but they don’t have time and now the wood is all rotting.  They will look into it to see what Housing can do to get rid of it.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Lisa’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Bob asked about her budget report which shows she has appropriations but nothing has been spent from the 2004 Assistance funds for LIHEAP, Wes states he will talk to her and see.


20.       April Attebury

April was present to address the Council.  She was able to meet with the Council last week and have a working session to finalize the Code for the Children’s Court and is ready to request approval of that tonight.  The Resolution is 04-R-032.  She emailed it out since everyone was unable to attend the working session.  She states that there were not any major changes from the previous draft that was sent out a couple of weeks ago.  She states that there were some changes made to the Emergency Response section because they stated they would be the first responder but they don’t have the capacity to do that, CPS still does that and they will establish an agreement with them to define what will happen. 


There was also discussion regarding jurisdiction on page three of the Code in number 1 which does not specifically state when the Tribe has jurisdiction.  April states that this has been through Hector, Stephanie, and Barbara and no one has felt that there is an issue since the following items specify that the jurisdiction is over Indian children.  April states she will check on that.


She would like to get it adopted and then they can amend it at a later date as they find areas that need changes.  Leaf states that April needs to work with the Keith Taylor that is developing law enforcement for the Housing Authority.  She states she is doing that. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-032 for the Code for the Children’s Court.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The Council would like her to work on the TANF program.  She states she will work that out with them due to the fact that she is fully funded by grants and cannot bill those hours against her grants so they will have to pay for that time from somewhere else.


She gave the audience an update on where they are and how they are doing on their mediations and referrals that are coming through the program.  She states it has been successful and they have been able to work cooperatively with the local judicial system.  There have been over 48 Tribal Members come into the Court and do initial intakes over the past four months with little to no advertising!  She states there have only been about 6 people from downriver and she is looking forward to setting up dates to be in Orleans for those people that need them.


She states they have received funding for the National CASA and they are now on the map as a Tribal CASA Program and they are one of the few Tribes that are included on the National map.  She states she needs to get a hold of them and let them know they aren’t in Southern California also as they put them in the wrong place on the map.  She gave them some more information on their Tribal CASA Program and what it can offer and where it can go.


She also requested approval of a fee schedule for the Tribal Court which she discussed with the Management Team last week.  She would like approval of Resolution 04-R-033 to approve the Code with an implementation date of October 1, 2004


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-033 for the Tribal Court Fee Schedule which will be implemented on October 1, 2004.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She will be attending a conference in May and will have more information about the upcoming grant after that and she has another grant that will need to have a phone vote done to meet the deadline.  It will be to do a sustainability plan for the Court to see how they can fund the program.  She states Erin has her original and it will be in Happy Camp tomorrow for Laura to review.  The Council would like her to email to them so they can review it.

She requested approval to attend a conference in Washington, DC, June 3-9, 2004


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve out of state travel for April Attebury to Washington, DC, June 3-9, 2004.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve April’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


21.       Wes Valentine

Wes was present to address the Council.


His first action item is from the ICWA Committee.  He states the Independent Adoption Center met with them for a project to recruit Native American or Tribally approved families to use for the ICW department.  They would be pre-approved for use as homes.  He states that Siskiyou County was left out, and they have requested a letter of support for the project and its need for the project in Siskiyou County.  He would like their approval of that letter so that it can be sent in.  The purpose is to add Siskiyou County into their service area.


Consensus:  To approve the letter with a change that the Karuk Tribe of California is the second largest Tribe, not the third.


He would like to have some signs done for the Happy Camp Pharmacy and has some designs for them to review and approve.  There would be one on the street on a post and one above the door.  The total cost is $792 installed. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the design that Wes selected for the Pharmacy signs in the amount of $792.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Sara and Wes presented information regarding the Ford Leadership Program that they are attending which will be doing a community project in Happy Camp to develop a Master Plan for improvements at the River Park.  They have a committee of 23 people which will be obtaining funding to carry this out in the next year.  They are requesting assistance with a bulk mailing survey in the amount of $237.49 to Scott Bar, Seiad Valley, Happy Camp, Somes Bar, and Orleans since they have not begun their fundraising and have no dollars.  It will be a good project that will benefit the communities by providing a place for them to spend time with their families.


Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve sponsorship of the bulk mailing in the amount of $237.49.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florence Conrad).


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Wes’ report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


22.       Fred Burcell

Not present, written report only.  They asked about the water at Somes Bar as Fred states it is operational, but they have heard it is not done.  Florence states there is training that can be obtained to get State certified for water treatment.  Arch states they are working on that and it needs to be addressed.  Bob states they also need to approach IHS about additional dollars for that system as well.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


23.       Phone Votes

Robert read the phone votes aloud to the audience which were:

a.         Request for approval of Resolution 04-R-021 for a grant proposal to the US Department of Education in the amount of $952,157 for a three year period. Passed.

b.         Request for authorization of Resolution 04-R-024 for an ICW case.  Passed.

c.         Request to send Tribal Member to the Friendship House for rehabilitation.  Passed.

d.         Request for Metal Masters to fix the heating and cooling system at the Pharmacy.  Passed.

e.         Request to appoint Scott Quinn as a member to the Northern California Agency Road Priority Committee.  Passed.

f.          Request for approval of amendments to the Personnel Policy Manual.  Passed.

g.         Request to assist with the purchase of a monitor stove for a Tribal Member.  Passed.

h.         Request to approve Performance Partnership Grant Application with the Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $1,133,048 for October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2006Passed.


25.       Committee Reports

Florrine announced that they are now requesting Committee Chairs to report to the Council on a regular basis so they know what is going on.  She states she will have the reports at the office and available if any Council Members want to read them.


She reported on the ICWA Committee and states it works very well.  She states they are working on the policies and procedures for that program and had emailed them out so that they could be approved.  No one had a chance to review them and she would like to get them approved as soon as possible.  She can email them again and then do a phone vote.  She announced who is on the ICWA Committee also.


She states she received an Election Committee report from Flo Lopez, the Chairperson.  She states they are going to start a voter registration system this year.  There will be no deadline and you can register at the polls when you show up to vote so that eventually everyone is registered that votes.  They have also developed an Absentee Ballot request form to make it easier to request one and to have the option to request that they be a permanent absentee voter so they don’t have to request one every year so that more people may vote.  There will be a page added to the website for Election items to make them easily accessible also.  She is not looking for approval but just wants them to review the items.  She would also like to establish a separate PO Box for the Election so that it is separate from the rest of the mail. 


Consensus:  To allow her to open a PO Box for the Election Committee.


They would also like to meet on April 27, 2004 at 3:00 PM to review the proposed changes they have to the Ordinance.  She told them who is on the Election Committee.


She states that they had two Election Committee members visit a meeting to address an issue with the Council and they would like to know if they can be paid stipends for their time at that meeting.  Arch states that is the reason they have a Council Representative report back to the Council and it shouldn’t happen again.  Florrine states they should be paid because they had to come to the meeting.  Arch states they have never done that before and they should not start that precedent, the Council agreed.


26.       Sara Spence

Sara requested approval of the Spring 2004 Newsletter, this edition is a whopping 22 pages! 


Florence Conrad moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve the Newsletter.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Closed Session from 10:17 PM to 2:55 AM


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to pay $2150.13 to Advantage Receivables Management Inc., PO Box 994363, 1135 Pine Street, Sute 202, Redding CA  96099-4363 from CHS dollars.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to authorize Resolution 04-R-34 for Lisa Goodwin to represent Tribal Member #3622 in an ICWA Case.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 puupitihara (Roy Arwood).


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to authorize Resolution 04-R-35 for Lisa Goodwin to represent Tribal Member #3709 in an ICWA Case.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Directive:  For Sara to find out when the election date was moved from first week of May to the second Tuesday of November.


Consensus:  The Council will look over Housing Ordinances and get back to Tribal Member #2724.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to adopt proposed wages on page two.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Directive:  For Sara to do a wage comparison with Hoopa, Yurok, and Redding Rancheria on what their Enrollment Director and Enrollment Clerk job descriptions and salary ranges look like.


Consensus:  Florence will talk to Harold Tripp about fire crew expectations and talk with Sandi about getting paperwork in the Administration office in a timely manner.


Directive:  For Arch to write a letter to employee and meet with them regarding the situation.


Consensus:  Leaf will check on the status of waiting list and check out the trailer that was condemned.


Consensus:  To acknowledge employee with certificate and gift.


A meeting was set to go over KCDC items on April 27, 2004 at 2:30 PM, the Election Committee meeting will start at 4 PM.


Next Meeting Date:  May 27, 2004 at 5:00 PM in Orleans.


Leaf Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to adjourn at 2:58 AM.






Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary,

Sara Spence