Karuk Tribe of California

Tribal Council Meeting Minutes

February 26, 2004

Orleans, California


The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman.


Roll Call


Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member – 5:23 PM



Arch Super, Chairman - excused - travel

Karen Derry, Member - excused


Quorum is established.


Approval of the Agenda for February 26, 2004

Changes were made as requested. 


Florrine Super moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve the Agenda for February 26, 2004.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1.                  Approval of the Minutes for January 22, 2004 and Special Meetings

They state that approval for the KCDC stipends to be paid from discretionary needs to be added to the minutes for the KCDC meeting on January 23, 2004.


Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Minutes for January 22, 2004 and Special Meetings (12/11/03, 1/7/04, 1/12/04, 1/23/04, 1/29/04) with changes.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.                  Junction School

The administrator from the school was present to discuss their ideas to build a new school at Somes Bar.  There are dollars available from the State to do a 50/50 project and there is not enough to build a gymnasium so they would like to know if the Tribe would like to do a joint project with them for both of them to use.  The total cost would be 1 million dollars.  There were kids from the school present to tell why they think it would be a good project.  They feel it would be a benefit to the school and the community.  They could use it for basket weaving, demonstration dances, to have sports activities inside during the winter as well as community sports teams.   They would be able to have practice in Somes Bar and not have to travel so far.  The upper grade teacher was present to provide some statistics regarding physical activity and the way it influences learning.  Without an indoor facility they are not able to offer physical education and sports activities during bad weather to keep them healthy and active.  They also state that their outdoor facilities are not adequate and are sometimes dangerous to use.  They announced that the Panthers community basketball team took the championship at the Gasquet tournament last weekend and did very well!  They will have until May 31, 2004 to make a decision.  The architect was present to also give them an idea of how large of a project they would be involved in.  They are allowed 3500 square feet for a multi-purpose space through State funding.  It would not be adequate for a full size gymnasium.  They are allowed 7000 square feet for a joint use gymnasium and so they would drop the multi-purpose room and do a bigger gymnasium that could be used as a multi-purpose room also.


Robert Goodwin arrived at 5:23 PM.


They left some paperwork with the Council for review.  The Council asked about the financial details of the project.  He states he has a private architectural office in the old Shasta area and gave them some background into similar projects he has worked on for rural small schools.  He states the school portion of the funding comes from the State through school bonds.  He states that even though the budget is tight this year, there is an upcoming vote for school bonds that ensures those dollars are spent only for school facilities and cannot be allocated anywhere else.  Leaf asked who is developing the budget estimates for the project.  He states that the state has a maximum for a joint use facility for an elementary school with a maximum amount of 1 million and then middle schools are eligible for 1.5 million.  They don’t know which category they would fall into due to the grade levels, most are in the bottom grades.  They have to have an organization to partner with for a joint use facility.  Trista asked if the Tribe can obtain grant funds to cover their portion of the costs.  He states that you can have numerous partners for the project but could not qualify for the funding because they have to be a governmental agency.  She just wanted to know if they can approach a foundation for their share of the funding for the project.  He states they have to submit by May 31, 2004 for this year and it is only available once each year so if they could get a grant by then they could do it.  They would have to submit an application and preliminary plan in place and then have about a year to get the bids and start working on it.  They don’t require that the monies be “in the bank” at the time of application, they would need to be there by the time the construction dollars are allocated by the State.  They would be stating they are in agreement to commit dollars to the project at the time the funding is allocated.  It usually takes about a year from the application date to have all items in place.  They plan to rebuild at the current site.


Laura states if they cannot secure grant funding they do not have the dollars to commit.  Trista states she is willing to put work into it, but it is very hard to get a letter of commitment by the time the application has to go in.  He states the dollars don’t have to be there at the time of application.  Laura states that they cannot commit to that level of funding unless they have it in their possession.  They don’t want the Tribe to commit unless they are fairly sure they can do it so they can pursue appropriate plans.  Robert states they could have plans that are dual purpose for either size room.  Trista states they can talk about it on Sunday at their planning meeting to see what they can do.  Anita Ramirez (916) 324-5703 is the contact at the State.


Philip Tripp thanked them for supporting their team and providing the money for their jerseys.


3.                  Alma Navarro and Michael Attebury

She was present to request assistance for herself to attend an educational trip to experience the US Government process in Washington, DC.  Alma is requesting $794 to cover the final payment which is due by April 23, 2004.  This is the trip that Michael Attebury came to them about in Yreka a couple of months ago.  The total cost of the trip is $1544 plus spending money while they are there.  They have been doing fund raising to get funds for themselves such as raffles, car wash, candles, etc.


Michael already has 50% of his paid for and his request is separate from Alma’s as he has a different situation.  April states that anything they want to commit would be plenty as he has been selected to go to Brazil and she will need assistance with that more than this one, she would have no hard feelings if they didn’t commit any dollars.



Robert Goodwin moved and Roy Arwood seconded to commit $1100 ($794-Alma, $306-Michael) from discretionary for this trip as long as they give a report and pictures when they get back.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 putitihara.


Florence told her they are very proud of her and Leaf thanked her for her presentation at the last meeting.


4.                  Bill Bright

Bill was present to address the Council.  He introduced himself to the group and states he has been working on the language since 1949.  He has been working with Jim, Violet, Vina, and Susan on the language all week.  He states he is happy to answer any questions at the meeting, after the meeting, or tomorrow.  He hopes to be back in May.  He did a short speech in Karuk.  He read the Karuk sentence first and then translated it to English.  He will be putting the speech on the NCIDC website and there is also a lot of other information there at


5.                  Richard Johnson and Harvey Shinar

Richard was present to discuss his current situation with Gary Lake.  He gave a brief background to the audience regarding the charges that Gary brought against him in Siskiyou County Court.  Gary claimed that Richard was stalking him.  He states that Gary Lake and others conspired to pursue these charges against him.  He was able to have the charges dropped against him and now he plans to bring charges against Gary for the long list of crimes that he has committed against many different individuals.


He gave an example of a time that Gary approached him at the Happy Camp Tribal Office and threatened to kill his son Ward.  He told him to tell his son that if he comes around him again he would blow him away and that he was packing a gun.  He stated that he had killed someone before and gotten away with it and would do it again.


He is requesting assistance from the Tribe to bring charges against Gary.  Leaf asked what specifically he is asking for.  Richard states he has researched numerous items that Gary was involved in such as the motorcycle raffle; he has yet to locate a sponsor for the raffle which is required by law for a raffle.  He has given numerous names for sponsors but so far none have checked out.  Gary had stated that the Native Voices Foundation sponsored the raffle, but they told Richard they wanted no association with the Karuk Tribe.


He would like to file criminal charges against Gary and the others that assisted him.  Pauline Attebery asked why this isn’t in closed session.  Richard requested that there be about one to two hours set aside to discuss this situation with him at length so that they can address the entire situation.  He states he has a list of about 40 people that have been directly impacted by the situation and would like to invite them all.  Leaf states he can do that.  March 9, 2004 at 4:00 PM in Happy Camp in the Council Chambers was set.  They asked him to put together an Agenda so that they can keep on track and not wander away from the issues.


Harvey Shinar was present to address the Council regarding his removal from the Tribal Council in 2001.  He gave a detail of the chain of events that took place.  He states he was informed of a hearing to discuss charges against him, he requested extensions and numerous items, all which were denied.  The hearing was held on a work day which resulted in many of his witnesses not being able to be present and many advised by their supervisors not to appear at the hearing.  He was then removed and still was not told the specific allegations and to this day still has not been told what the allegations were.  He states that since this occurred the individuals have been discredited and removed from their positions.  He requested a new hearing to clear his name.  Leaf states this can be addressed at the meeting on March 9, 2004 also.  They can have a discussion regarding the situation and then discuss a possible second hearing for him which he is entitled to.

6.                  Bessie Munson

She is requesting use of Robert’s building in Happy Camp on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 to 9:00 PM.  She uses the Resource Center during the week but does not have a location on the weekends.  She would need to have approval to use the building and have a key.  Robert will be supplying the materials to her for the classes.  It is hard to have the meetings at the Resource Center when there are other activities going on at the Resource Center and it is not very private.  Mike holds meetings on Mondays and Tuesdays in that building also. 


Consensus:  To allow Bessie Munson to use the building and be issued a key.


7.                  Fred Nahwooksy, People’s Center

Fred announced that the basketweavers gathering will be held April 24-25, 2004 in Happy Camp at the People’s Center.  He gave some information about the gathering and states it is sponsored by a grant that the Karuk Tribe received.


He requested approval of a grant to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (Federal) in the amount of $4,000 for a basic grant which is due on March 1, 2004.  If awarded they can then apply for an enhancement grant for additional funding.  He would like to use it for a full time librarian if they can get approved. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Grant to the IMLS in the amount of $4,000.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


8.                  Jennifer Goodwin, Education

Jennifer was present to review her written report with the Council.  She would like to re-establish the Education Committee and has two options.  One is with the Chairman, three Council Members, and three community members or option two with the Chairman and three Council Members.  Robert suggests two or one Council Member and then representatives from each of the three communities to keep the committee small.  Florrine asked if she has funds available for stipends for the community members.  Laura states if they decide to pay stipends it should come from discretionary as the Education program has very limited funding.


Consensus:  They would like three representatives, one from each community, Tribal members and then appoint the Chairman also.


She also states that Joy Mulleck has requested a signature from the Tribe to do a Collaborative Signatures for the 21st Century Grant to put learning centers into the schools.  The Siskiyou County Office of Education will apply and it is supposed to be in the schools up and down the river.  Trista states she went to a meeting with Joy and informed her of the funding.  She told her that the Tribe may be interested in applying for dollars for center-based after school programs.  Joy stated that she had been approached by the Office of Education regarding funding also.  The person writing the grant is the same person that has written funding proposals for other schools and has been approved so Joy decided to go with the County.  Once the funding is approved there will be community meetings to get input.  Erin would like to see the funding proposal to see what it says.  Trista states there should be a Draft since it is due March 3, 2004.  She will bring it to the meeting on Sunday.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Jennifer’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

9.                  Toni McLane, Head Start

Toni had B Fisher with her and she introduced herself as a Technical Assistance Advisor for Region 11 for Head Start Programs.  She is from Oregon and is visiting to see what assistance Toni needs for her programs.  She gave them a brief overview of her background in assisting Head Start Programs.  She works for the Academy for Education Development which is based in Washington, DC that is a contractor to provide services for Indian Head Start Programs.  They have previous experience with Region 12 which is migrant and seasonal Head Start.  This week she has visited Yurok, Smith River, and Elk Valley and will visit the Karuk Tribe tomorrow.  She has seven programs in Northern California and five programs in Oregon and new programs in Washington.  After she visits the programs she will work with them to write training plans and identify areas they need training to assist the program.


Toni told them about the current Policy Council they have which is working very well.  They are having a lot of participation and involvement.


She states she e-mailed them the Head Start Service Delivery Plans and would like them to read through them and get comments back to her so she can implement them.  She would like to get them approved at the March Council Meeting.  She still needs to complete the Human Resources section with Sara so they can be included also.  They are required for the program and should be approved prior to the April Program Review which is scheduled.  They suggest a session to go through them in detail with her.  March 25, 2004 at 3:00 PM prior to the Council Meeting was set.


Her report included an announcement for the Even Start Grant which they can apply for a year grant at $200,000 per year.  They could use it to build on the current community collaborative programs such as Head Start, Education, etc.  Trista plans on discussing it on Sunday with them to see where it would fit into the current programs.


She also announced the Child Care Conference is being held in Phoenix, Arizona, April 4-7, 2004 and it was recommended by Dion that someone from the Child Care Committee attend as well as two staff members that will work on the Child Care Program.  Roy, Karen, and Florrine are on the Committee.  One person is paid for, the Council member would be paid for 50% from Indirect, 50% from discretionary, and the last individual would be paid for from discretionary.  She would recommend Donna Goodwin-Sanchez as she would be doing the vouchers.  They want detailed amounts on Sunday so they can approve it.


She also requested approval of her revised position description to reflect her current duties.  The one with changes was included so they could see the changes.  The Policy Council has reviewed and approved it. 


Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the Head Start Director position description.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Toni’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


10.              Hector Garcia, Self Governance

Hector was present to review his written report with them.  He states he is currently focusing on the organization of the Self Governance Office.  He has been working on creating a data base to gather information from all MOUs, MOAs, Agreements, etc. to track what they are for and when they began, expired, what they are for, etc. to keep track of paperwork.  He would like to do this with minutes and Resolutions also.  He would like them to stop by and see the data base and the way he has the documents organized so he can develop an effective recordkeeping system for the program.  In the future they will look into making portions available to employees with passwords or to the general public if it is a public record.


He provided some more information regarding his activities, his plans for the program, and areas they need to focus on for the Tribe.


He requested approval to attend the Self Governance Conference in Orlando, Florida, May 4-7, 2004.  He states Wes has expressed an interest in attending.  Wes states traditionally the Self Governance Director, he, and the Tribal Chairman attend but since there are numerous new Council Members they may want to attend as well as it is a national conference.  Leaf states it is important for the Tribe to have continuity at these conferences.  Robert would be interested but he would have to check his schedule to see if he can go.


Roy Arwood moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to send Hector Garcia, Wes Valentine, Robert Goodwin, Leaf Hillman, and Arch Super to the Self Governance Conference in Florida.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert had a question regarding the Council taking a more pro-active stance in regards to politics.  He states that what is helpful to the Council is for Hector to gather information and present them with drafts so that they can discuss the issue and then take action.  They want him to help them be pro-active so they can do it and work together on it.  There are many issues they need to be involved in but they would like his assistance in researching and providing them with guidance on the issues and how they affect the Tribe.


Leaf asked about the CATSG meeting that will be held in Reno, Nevada, March 31-April 2, 2004.  Hector states it is about Indian Health issues.  Wes states it will most likely be held in coordination with the annual IHS meeting he and Arch will be attending.


Leeon Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Hector’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11.              April Attebury, Tribal Court

April was present to review her written report with the Council.


Her first action item is approval of a job description for a Co-Mediator/Family Unity Facilitator.  There is grant funding available through January 2005 for this position.  This person will have to pass a written exam and have prior mediation experience.  She will do an emergency posting for this position. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the position description.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She states that the Tribal Court Judge has resigned his position due to his wife’s medical condition.  He has been working with April regarding finishing up items at the Court but they will need to re-advertise for the Judge.


She states that at their working session there were some revisions and recommendations to the Tribal Court Ordinance.  She has implemented those changes and has reviewed it with Hector and would like to request approval of the Ordinance.  Resolution 04-R-010 has been assigned for approval of the Ordinance.  April states working with Hector has been very good and she is very thankful that he is here. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-010 approving the Tribal Court Ordinance.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

She stated that there needs to be approval for the Tribal Court Seal as well to make it official.  They described either the DNR logo with modified wording or the round flag logo. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-011 approving the Tribal Court Seal as the DNR logo with modified wording.   5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She also wanted to let them know that she sent in a budget for Erin to review for a CASA Planning meeting on March 5, 2004.  She sent in the CASA Provisional Membership for funding.  They have a Tribal liaison that saw some funding and put them in for the funding of $40,000 and they will get those dollars.  They are also working on a grant for other dollars.  The grant is due on March 12, 2004 and the Committee will review it on the 5th and then she will need a phone vote so it can be mailed on March 9, 2004.  She can send them the information has completed so far so they have time to review it.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve April’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12.              Marty Waddell, Information Technology

Not present, written report only.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Marty’s report.  5 haa, 0

puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13.              Trista Parry, Grant Writer

Trista was present to review her written report.  Her only action item is the California Endowment Grant for the Yreka Head Start Construction Grant for $825,000.  04-R-012 was assigned for approval of this

Grant.  They mentioned adding in the Steinacher Road Decommissioning Project as it is a very large project that they completed successfully.  She states she has a ten page limit so she tried to keep it down. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-012.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She states there will be a letter of intent going in for a settlement fund to obtain dollars for the renovation of the Happy Camp kitchen to provide Senior Nutrition Services.


She asked about the minutes from the last meeting in which she read that she would be putting together a list of what it would take to get Oak Knoll up and running.  She wanted them to know that she cannot do that until they decide what project they will do in that building.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Trista’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14.              Lisa Aubrey, LIAP

She states that she sent out an e-mail to them with the LIAP policies attached so they could review them.  If they were comfortable with them she would like it approved.  Emergency Assistance, General Assistance, and SWEEP policies were all included.  Leaf suggested that there be a signature area to indicate that they were approved and are valid policies.  These have been through the committee and they all agree with them. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the LIAP policies, with them as one combined policy with a cover sheet and table of contents.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Lisa’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15.              Laura Mayton, CFO

Laura requested clarification on stipends for committees.  The current stipend policy states that you must be at a meeting for at least two hours to be paid a stipend.  Leaf states that most meetings do last at least two hours, but it is not fair to ask them to travel from Orleans or Yreka for a meeting and then not be paid a stipend because it didn’t last two hours.  He feels there should be a stipend to take that time out of their day.  Wes states that the ICWA Committee often will not meet for a long period of time but the business is very important.  Laura states she needs a motion to pay all of the committees also as currently there is no guideline for the Finance Office to follow for payments.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to pay all recognized committees $50 stipends for their time spent at the meetings as long as business is conducted, if no program funding is available, it can be paid from discretionary.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She requested approval of the discretionary budgets that were included in their packets.  This includes the General Fund, Sales Tax, TERO, and Bingo. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the budgets.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Laura’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16.              Erin Hillman, Contract Compliance

Erin was present to review her written report.  She does not have any action items.  She wanted to give them a heads up on the BIA punch list from the walk through.  It is a pretty substantial list that she can get to them if they are interested.  She also states that several years ago Sue Burcell worked on a collaborative grant with Happy Camp Community Services District for the water upgrade.  Gary Burnett has approached her regarding replacing the pipes across the bridge and funding available for that.  An MOU will be coming from IHS as they can cover this expense.


Robert Goodwin moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Erin’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17.              Sami Jo Difuntorum, KTHA

Leaf states that Sami and Arch are both in DC this week and it sounds like things are going well, they have had some productive meetings and gotten some of the Tribe’s housing issues noticed by the committee Chairman in the Senate so that they will be addressed.


Leaf states he went out on Wednesday to the home grant sites.  They are moving forward with those projects and making contact with Humboldt County to deal with permit issues for two of the Humboldt County homes and the Elder’s Community homes in Orleans.  The contractor visited the Orleans site and stated it is too wet to start placing the homes and they will have to wait for it to dry out a little bit.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Sami’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


18.              Susan Gehr, Language

Susan was present to review her written report with the Council.  She updated them on the voting words.  Abstain has changed again to pupitihara which translates literally to “I don’t say”.  She wanted to follow up with them on getting CDs for all the vehicles of the Tribe and having them on hand for the new cars.  She has located a quote from CDSG.com to have them made, labeled, and packaged for a total of $186.75.  They could also look into purchasing a duplicator and printer that can print on the CDs so they have it on hand for future productions.  She has an estimate of about $1600 for the duplicator and printer but wants to research the products more before she decides.


They would like to know if the CDs that will be put in the vehicles can be paid from Indirect since they will go in all vehicles.  Laura states the cost objective is to learn the language and culture and would not qualify for Indirect. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to pay for the CD duplication from discretionary.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She also announced that Southern Oregon University has approved a 3 credit summer course taught by Phil Albers 6-7:50 PM at the University.  They will pay him to teach the classes.  Leaf asked if her announcements are on the website.  He suggested she work with Jonathan to get those posted.  He also suggests putting Bill Bright’s information on the Tribal website also.


She thanked everyone for their participation at the week long language projects that have been going on.  Violet and Vina have been giving them stories and they have been recording them and now have some new stories.


Susan would like to put together a short language lesson for the Council/Board Member Roles Training.  They would like that and she will meet with Sara to work it into the schedule.


Leeon Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Susan’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


19.              Rod Hartman, Construction

He states the building permit has been issued by the County for the Swearingen home.  He just needs to issue a notice to proceed to the Contractor to get started.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Rod’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


20.              Wes Valentine, Executive Director

Wes distributed the ICWA Committee policies for the Council to review and approve at the Health Board Meeting.


His first action item is to approve the list of equipment that Babbie provided to furnish the Panamnik Center.  The total cost would be approximately $8,328.85.  Laura asked about the $5,000 that was previously obligated from Housing for kitchen equipment that wasn’t used.  Sami has stated it has to be re-appropriated by HUD before it can be obligated for other items such as couches, tables, chairs, etc.  Erin states it takes HUD a long time to review these types of things. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve $8,328.85 from discretionary funds to furnish the Panamnik Center.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


His second action item is concerning the Breast Cancer Survivor Project that would provide weekly teleconferencing meetings at the Clinic to form a support group for patients that have been through the disease.  They will be reimbursed $800 for the use of the teleconferencing equipment as well as the fees for the use of the telemedicine lines.


Consensus:  To move forward with this project.


He distributed a grant proposal to the Redding Rancheria in the amount of $10,000 to upgrade the Happy Camp Community Room kitchen. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the grant for submission.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


He states that Joe Snapp went to Oak Knoll and found that one of the walls was turning black and found that there was a faulty switch that could have burned down the building.  The moisture in the building is causing the switches to short out and so Wes made the decision to have the heating turned back on to dry out the building.  It is not the Tribe’s building it is the Housing Authority’s but he had no choice but to make sure that the building does not burn down.


He states he does not have any new information on the TANF program, it is still in limbo.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Wes’ report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


21.              Tom Waddell, KCDC

Not present, written report only.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Tom’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


22.              Sandi Tripp, DNR

Sandi was present to review her written report with the Council.  She requested approval of the purchase of a bed liner, bumper system, and winch for the new truck to save the bed.  The lowest price is $3,631.76 from American Auto Detail. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the purchase from American Auto Detail in the amount of $3,631.76.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She distributed a letter to them to William Metz on the Six Rivers National Forest regarding Karuk issues as discussed at the Summit Meeting held on February 19, 2004.  She requested their review and approval of the letter to be mailed off.  Florence states that from now on they need to get these letters back right away when requested. 


Consensus:  To mail the letter.


She states she has spoke to Anna about the filtration system at Dillon Creek and is trying to get a hold of Dwayne.  Once she talks to them she has a letter ready to be sent off.  They don’t feel there are any grave sites there or anything real significant but they want to look into it anyway.


She is working on the protocols for Cultural Monitors so that there is a written policy and procedure on file for the Tribe.  Leaf would like it forwarded to the Council for review once completed so that they can format and adopt it as a Cultural Resource Protection Policy and Protocols.


She states there is a programmatic meeting with the Forest Service on March 12, 2004 in Happy Camp.  They state they can do her DNR Mid-Month Meeting following that on the same day.


She also thanked them for their contributions to the youth basketball team.  Mike Polmateer and Stormy have volunteered to coach the team.  They were able to use the monies for all new uniforms and they have been doing very well.  They used some of the money to cover the costs of basketballs and rooms for the coach at the Gasquet tournament.  Their next game is in Orick this weekend.  They took the Championship at Gasquet!


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Sandi’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Earl states that he found out at the 8(a) training that there are many different avenues that can be pursued if they want to establish their own business for the Watershed Program.  They could run it through KCDC, add an additional entity, run it through the Tribe, and some others.  There is a Tribe in Clear Lake that has done it and he will contact them for more information.  He will also talk with a representative from SBA regarding what they can do.  He will provide them more information soon.


23.              Fred Burcell, Maintenance

Information was distributed from Mike Tiraterra regarding the vehicle lift at the Ranch.  They want him to follow the procurement process to get it done properly.  Sara states she will help him through it.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


24.              Sherile Grant, Tribal Member

Sherile requested use of a tribal vehicle for a basketball tournament in Hoopa, March 6-7, 2004.  She is an employee and is listed on the insurance.  She also has expressed an interest in having a Tribal Flag donated to the team as they are asked to bring them to tournaments from time to time.  The cost is $40 at the Gift Shop. 


Consensus:  To allow Sherile Grant to use a Tribal Vehicle for the tournament.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to buy a flag from discretionary for the team.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


25.              Phone Votes

a.                   Request to send David Arwood to training on obtaining 8(a) status with Earl Crosby.  Passed.

b.                   Request to approve emergency hire of Tina Waddell at KCDC.  Passed.

c.                   Request to approve submission of a proposal to General Mills Champions Youth Nutrition and Fitness in the amount of $10,000 for the Diabetes Prevention Cycling Program.  Passed.

d.                   Request to submit Resolution 04-R-04 for an EPA Air Quality Monitoring Grant in the amount of $77,972.  Passed.

e.                   Request to cover catering expenses for Frank Wood’s funeral and pay a $100 honorarium to Robert Super for singing a traditional song at the services on the Tribe’s behalf.  Passed.

f.                    Request to approve Resolution 04-R-05 for ICW.  Passed.

g.                   Request to use tribal van to take basketball team to Yreka.  Passed.

h.                   Request for approval of Contract 04-C-028 with the Falmouth Institute for two day on-site training in the amount of $7,150.  Passed.

i.                     Request to reclassify employee to reflect actual duties and responsibilities.  Passed.


26.              Committee Reports

None at this time.


Closed Session from 9:52 PM to 11:55 PM.


Directive:  For Leaf Hillman to set up a meeting in May with Charles Leonard.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-08 for enrollment.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-09 for Enrollment.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to send 2 Enrollment employees, 2 Enrollment committee members, and Florrine Super to an Enrollment training in Hawaii in April.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  For Leaf Hillman and Arch Super to write a support letter for Tribal Member #1032.


Florence Conrad excused herself from the Council.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to allow Tribal Member #1014 to keep his prescriptions through Willow Creek Pharmacy due to the special circumstances.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad resumed her seat as a Council Member.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to loan $500 to Tribal Member #867 to be repaid at a rate of $50 per month and allow them to volunteer at Head Start 2 hours per week in lieu of interest of 5%, which will be imposed if they do not volunteer.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florence Conrad).


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Revised Contract 04-C-027R to extend the contract to a maximum of $25,000 to complete the KCDC project.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


March 3, 2004 at 3:00 PM was set to meet with the KCDC Board and Dan McCarthy.


Consensus:  To cancel the contract with Office Outfitters.


Consensus:  To extend Employee #8340’s probation period an additional six months from today and issue a final warning that one more incident will result in termination.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence seconded to pay Tribal Member #3481 for past contract health in the amount of $233.07 from third party.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Directive:  For Dion Wood to look into Tribal Member #761’s file to determine eligibility for Child Care, if eligible, pay back to January 22, 2004.

Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve the Rental Agreement with Tribal Chairman.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florrine Super).


Next Meeting Date: March 25, 2004 in Happy Camp at 5:00 PM.


Meeting adjourned at 12:00 AM.


Respectfully Submitted by,




Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman


Recording Secretary,

Sara Spence